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English Essay/Paragraph/Speech on “Republic Day” for Kids and Students for Class 8, 9, 10, Class 12 and Graduation Examination

Republic Day

Essay No. 01

Republic Day is celebrated annually on January 26, in New Delhi, the capital of India, state capitals and Union Territories. India became independent on August 15, 1947, but it was on January 26, 1950, when the constitution of India was adopted that India became a sovereign democratic republic. Since then, this day began to be observed as India’s Republic Day.

The day is celebrated at New Delhi with great fanfare. The festivities in the capital include parade where the President of India takes the salute of representative contingents of the armed forces, police, school children, fire service brigade, etc. Watched by a vast concourse, with many foreign Heads of Government, the parade winds its way through Rajpath. In the evening a special function is held at the National Stadium where folk dancers from different states present their characteristic dances. On January 29, mass bands of the armed forces ‘beat a retreat’ at an evening function at Vijay Chowk to bring the festival to a striking end.


Essay No. 02

Republic Day

Republic Day is one of the national festivals which are celebrated every year in our country. This day is important from the point of view of the fact that on the 26th of January, 1929, on the bank of the Ravi River, the Indian National Congress passed a resolution of complete independence for the country. Thus it covers a milestone towards our struggle for freedom.

Again 26th of January is important from the point of view of the fact that on this day in 1950, the Indian Constitution was enforced in the country. India on this day became a Democratic Republic. It became a Democratic country in the real sense having a Democratic Constitution.

There are two important national festivals in the country – the Independence Day and the Republic Day. Both the days are celebrated all over the country with great pomp and show.

On the 26th of January every year, we find celebration on a much bigger scale than the Independence Day celebrations. In Delhi and all Capitals of the States, the celebrations are held on much bigger scale. In other cities, towns, villages, schools, colleges and other places these celebrations are held on a modest scale.

In Delhi, Capital of India, the celebrations are held on a very grand scale. Millions of people visit Delhi to see the celebrations with their eyes. They line up on either side of the road and watch the celebrations. The first attraction of the function lies in the celebration at India Gate. The President of India takes a salute at India Gate, where many distinguished people gather up. Then the troops of the three forces; various arms and ammunitions; colorful and cultural pageants of different States are shown. A huge procession is taken out on the route that leads to the Red Fort. The scene is worth seeing. The procession consisting of elephant-riders sitting on the elephant back, army men and pageants are really enjoyable. There are troupes of dancers who hail from different States, the scouts and girl guides of colleges and schools, police-continents and other people who move in the procession. There are tanks, radars, missiles and other war-equipments that move along the route. All these people and vehicles give joy to everyone who watches the procession.

People from every corner of the country visit Delhi to watch the Republic Day celebrations. At night the Folk-Dancers present their folk-dances to the people. Fireworks are let off at night. There is illumination at the President’s House, Red Fort and other chief Government buildings. Unmanageable crowd of people throng the roads and pavements to witness the illumination.

In every station on a smaller scale, the Republic Day celebrations are held where thousands of people gather up to watch the celebrations. The students perform dramas and present songs and dances to the audience at many places in the country. The educational institutions also take part in the celebrations in this way.

It is a day of great importance. We have to re-dedicate ourselves on this day and take an oath that we shall maintain the freedom of the country and we shall keep up the Democratic set up as long as we are alive.

26th January is a national holiday. Schools, colleges, factories and Government offices remain closed on this day. Indian people without exception celebrate it as a National Festival in every nook and corner of the country.


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