English Essay on “My Aim in Life: To Be A Pilot” complete Paragraph and Speech for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes.
My Aim in Life: To Be A Pilot
We have several family friends who are working in the Indian Air Force. Most of them are pilots. So, ever since my childhood I have developed a keen interest in the Indian Air Force. I wish to be a pilot. I have heard that the life of a pilot is full of thrill, adventure and challenge. All these attract one to join the Indian Air Force as a pilot whenever I hear the drone of an aircraft I look up to see it. Now I can ascertain the type of plane that is ‘moving’ in the air.
Indian Air Force consists of different types of aircrafts for different purposes. Transport aircrafts now consist of AN-32 and IL-76 besides Auro 748. Fighter-interceptors are Mig 21, 21 M, 21 BIS, Mig 23, Mig 25, Mig 27 and Mig 29. Ajeet, Mirage 2000 etc. Bombers are Canberra and Jaguar. Indian Navy has some other types of aircraft. Besides, there are different types of Helicopters in the Air Force and Navy. Many’ types of aircraft are manufactured in India by H.A.L.
I Wish to be a pilot because I wish to lead an active life. As a pilot I can be active and face various types of challenges. An action and challenge free career is termed as “dull” life. I have no faith in such a life.
Defence services including Air Force, observe strict rules and discipline. It is another factor for which I wish to be a pilot. Pilot enjoys good salary and status besides opportunities to attain better ranks. All these are the charms that have fascinated me to be a pilot. As a pilot I can serve the nation.