English Essay on “Joys of Gliding” complete Paragraph and Speech for School, College Students, essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 and Graduation Classes.
Joys of Gliding
Gliding is a sport which is catching in rather fast in our country. Yet not many men know how it developed to its present stage. The first stage of gliding began with the towing or catapulting of an extremely light engine less aircraft downhill into the wind so that when it had taken off, it should be supported by an up current.
If the current of air was going up faster than the sink of the glider in still air, the glider could stay up suspended, like ping-pong ball in a shooting gallery fountain. Thus, on suitable hillsides and ridges it is possible to fly up and down in the up rush of air almost indefinitely when the wind is in the right direction.
The next stage was the unexpected discovery of “thermals”. On a normal summer day, the sun rises in a cloudless sky but within a few hours’ big white cumulus clouds rising up like castles and snowy mountains, may appear from nowhere in particular. This happens more often on hill station than in plains.
What is their genesis? The sun does not heat up the air equally but in patches. Thus over a tiled and slated town or over an expanse of dry and beaten earth, the sun’s rays are reflected and heat up the air much faster than over a leafy expanse of woodland or over sea.
Above such spots a huge bubble of heated air forms and when it has reached a certain size, leaves the ground and floats upwards more or less intact. As it rises through the colder air it steadily expands in size owing to the diminution of pressure around it and when it has been cooled sufficiently by the cold air into which it rises, the vapour inside it condenses and becomes visible as cloud.
The art of soaring depends on discovering such a “thermal in its early stages, being lifted by it and remaining in it, as long at it is safe to do so. For, as cloud joins with cloud, the acceleration and turbulence within the cloud increase. If the sailplane pilot, after being towed or catapulted a few hundreds of feet into the air, picks up a “thermal” he may be able to rise to 10,000 to 20,000 feet with considerable rapidity.