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Paragraph on “How old is the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How old is the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece? About three thousand years ago, minstrels wandered in the beautiful land of Greece, telling wonderful tales of gods and men. At that time, the Greeks lived in huge fortified citadels built on the tops of hills. Each citadel had its own king, and he ruled the valleys around it, where olives and corn grew, and also the mountain slopes, where...
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Paragraph on “What is St. Elmo’s fire?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What is St. Elmo’s fire? St Elmo’s fire is the ghostly halo of light that is to be seen around the tips of ships’ masts and aircrafts’ wings, during storms. It is caused by lightning, which is a discharge of electricity, either between two clouds or between a cloud and the Earth. In the sixteenth century St Elmo was the patron saint of Mediterranean seamen, who believed that this luminous discharge...
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Paragraph on “What is lightning?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What is lightning? When something has an electric charge, ether positive or negative, the electricity tries o ‘low away to nearby objects. The charge tries to spread itself out evenly. This is why electricity sparks from the comb to your hand as shown opposite. The electric charge jumps across the narrow gap through the air. An American inventor who lived 200 years ago, Benjamin Franklin, thought that lightning was something to...
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Paragraph on “What made man want to paint?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What made man want to paint?   The earliest forms of art by primitive man were an expression of his feelings about life. He was essentially a hunter and he believed that by drawing images of animals such as bison, mammoth or reindeer, and the weapons he used to slay these animals, he was symbolically giving strength to his ability to kill them. He considered his pictures had a spiritual force...
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Paragraph on “Do any people today live in the same kind of houses as their ancestors?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

Do any people today live in the same kind of houses as their ancestors ? There are many parts of the world where primitive man, living a tribal life, did not develop in areas of science, literature and discovery, that is, he remained uncivilised. And later, not touched by technology, he felt no need to change. But he firmly established through essential crafts, arts and customs, his culture, that is, his...
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Paragraph on “What was the first style in architecture?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

What was the first style in architecture? The dwelling that pre-historic man made for himself about two and a half million years ago, was a cave, so the first style of architecture was little more than a rock with a natural hole in it ! This early man spoke no language and was only concerned with finding food to survive a very basic existence. We do not know how man learned...
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Paragraph on “How do Crocodiles build their nests?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12

How do Crocodiles build their nests? Crocodiles are egg-laying reptiles, and the first thing a female must do after she has mated is build a nest. Most species scoop up mud and plants in their jaws and build a mound of rotting vegetation. Then the female makes a hollow in the center and lays anything from 20 to 70 eggs in it. Afterwards, she covers them up and leaves them, but...
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