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Solved English Precis exercise on “The Popularity Entertainment of American Films” 400 Words Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

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Solved Precis exercise on “The Popularity Entertainment of American Films” The generalization has become increasingly suspect as it has become increasingly plain that good entertainment films cannot be made by the ungifted! Further, that some men of alpine talent have spent their whole careers in entertainment films. But for compact purposes here, the terms “entertainment and “art” can serve to distinguish between those films, however well made and aesthetically rewarding, whose...
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Solved English Precis exercise on “Invasion of Foreign Traders” 270 Words Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “Invasion of Foreign Traders” Since India was on the wheels of self-sufficiency in agriculture and handicraft products, it did not import foreign goods on large scale. On the other hand, industrial and agricultural products had a steady market abroad. Consequently, it now exports more than it imports and its trade has been balanced by imports of silver and gold. In fact, India was known as a sink...
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Solved English Precis exercise on “Employment and Effective Technology” 150 Words Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “Employment and Effective Technology” One of the major problems India has to face is that of unemployment. It is a serious problem and cannot be ignored. It has to be remembered that merely giving some kind of occupation to a large member of people does not ultimately increase employment or lessen unemployment. Employment comes from newer and more effective means of wealth production. The whole experience and...
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Solved English Precis exercise on “Job Problem of Handicapped” 150 Words Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “Job Problem of Handicapped” Till now the vocational rehabilitation of handicapped has led them to be employed in three broad categories. There is the sheltered workshop, where the person is provided a protected environment, then there is the co-operative that allows the disabled person to work at home, and finally, there is the open employment which is the new National Job Development Centre. The refusal of employers...
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Solved English Precis exercise on “Curiosity leads Discovery” 200 Words Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “Curiosity leads Discovery” Man is an intelligent being and curiosity is one of the most valuable attributes of human intelligence. It signifies a constant striving to penetrate the area of darkness that surrounds us. A child feels afraid of venturing into the dark because we are by nature afraid of the unknown in the beginning when man had little understanding of the phenomena of nature. He felt...
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Solved English Precis exercise on “The Role of Poetry” 500 Words Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “The Role of Poetry” We should conceive of poetry as capable of higher uses, and called to higher destinies than those which in general men have assigned to it hitherto. More and more mankind will discover that we have to turn to poetry to interpret life for us, 10 sustain us. Without poetry, our science will appear incomplete and most of what now passes with us for...
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Solved English Precis exercise on “Importance of Women’s Education” complete Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “Importance of Women’s Education” In one of her speeches, Mrs. Indira Gandhi said, “A country’s progress can be measured by the progress of women folk”. Indeed, the progress of women is not possible unless they are given proper education. History bears ample proof that women’s education was given due importance in ancient India, during the Vedic period, women enjoyed the same rights and privileges as did men....
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Solved English Precis exercise on “Tagore, a great celebrity of India” complete Precis for Class 10, 12 and Competitive Examination.

Precis Writing
Solved Precis exercise on “Tagore, a great celebrity of India” One of the greatest of the sons of modern India was Rabindranath Tagore, poet, author, religious preacher, social reformer, artist, and musician. This great man representing all that is best in India thought and character, did much to make his people more truly understood by the Western World. Tagore was born in 1861, four years after the tragedy of the Mutiny...
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