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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) 2017-2018 for Class 9, Listening Test Audio Script

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills
Class-IX (2017)
Listening Test (Audio Script)


Time: 1 hour

Max Marks: 20

Task 1

You will hear an announcement of a theatre performance. Read the notes given in your worksheet, then listen to the announcement and complete the notes with one or two words only. You will hear the recording twice.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the theatre performance of the famous play ‘The Merchant of Venice’ to mark 400 years since the death of Shakespeare. There will be four acts, with a 20-minute break. During the show, we ask you to remain seated on the chairs, and please keep children behind the VIP row in the front of the stage. The Cafetaria is on the top floor and the restrooms are located in the fenced area to the right of the stage. The parking gate will be opened from the east side after the show is over. When the play begins, please turn off your cell phones. Thank you for coming, and we hope you enjoy it!

Task 2

You will hear a girl talking to a boy about the World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand. Read the statements below, then listen to the conversation and choose five of the statements A-H which are correct. Write the correct letters in the blank boxes.

You will hear the recording twice.


Boy: Hi what are you browsing the Internet for?

Girl: I’m…. looking for ….

Boy: Hey, I know this person in the pic…that is Vishwanathan Anand!

Girl: Oh really. Is that him?

Boy: Yes. He’s the most humble person I’ve ever heard of despite him being the five time winner of the World Chess Championship. You know, he won the title of International Master when he was just 15 years old and became the youngest Indian to do so.

Girl: Yes, I’ve heard that. He indeed gave us a reason to feel proud of.

Boy: And I recently heard that a small planet has been named after him, Vishvanand by the Minor Planet Center and there’s something about it on NASA website too.

Girl: Oh really! A Star on Earth and a Planet in the sky!

Boy: He’s given India a global recognition in Chess. Indian government conferred him with the first ever Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award. He has also been awarded with the Padma Vibhushan, the first ever sportsperson in India to receive this award.

Girl: Yes I remember Anand has won the Chess Oscar 6 times.

Boy: But did you know that he also wrote a book and was also awarded for that?

Girl: I vaguely remember him being awarded for the book, but I am not clear about the details…

Boy: 1n 1998, he was awarded with the British Chess Federation ‘Book of the Year’ Award for his book ‘My Best Games of Chess’.

Girl: You know a lot about the Grandmaster in Chess!

Boy: Yes, it is because I am a great fan of Vishwanathan Anand and I read a lot about him.

Girl: OK, tell me who’d been his inspiration behind this sport?

Boy: His mother, SusheelaVishwanathan! She is considered a role model parent in India because she moulded the chess career of five-time World champion, Vishwanathan Anand. She taught him the moves when he was just five and always accompanied him in tournaments. She showed the way to the parents of other children playing chess by her continuous support to Vishwanathan Anand.

Girl: Great. What an inspiration!

Boy: I agree. I too was greatly inspired by her and remember one thing she mentioned in an interview about her role in inspiring Anand.

Girl: What did she say?

Boy: She said, “A mother has to be by the side of the child taking baby steps in any field. In my case, it happened to be chess.”

Girl: Hmm… We can say that his mother truly sowed the seeds for one of the most flourishing sports careers in India.

Task 3

You will hear five different people talking about social networking. Read the statements given in the worksheet, then listen to the extracts and match each statement A-G to each speaker 1-5. There are two statements you do not need. You will hear the recordings twice.

Speaker 1
The Internet has revolutionized the life of a man from merely being a normal working person to a social person in a virtual world. Internet has changed many aspects of our lives. But a special innovation which it brought about was the social networking. While growth and speed of progress have increased due to this, a special bonding is happening between human beings.

Speaker 2
It has definitely been a boon to society. Over twenty years ago the only way we had to keep in touch with others was by letters, telegrams or phone calls. But today we have media like SMSs, emails, WhatsApp and what not, there are so many terms. Social networking has allowed people to stay in touch with family and old friends.

Speaker 3
Yes, we get an extraordinary platform to express our feelings, thoughts and messages through social networking. These sites also bring us a lot of information which we had missed or not noticed. The experts suggest that using social networking is not wrong but the way it is used is important. Youngsters must be guided about its rights and wrongs.

Speaker 4
Though it is providing us with a great platform, it is also creating a dumber generation which lacks the real life essence. People have started living in a virtual world glued to their small screen fantasizing about life forgetting the real world outside. Gone are the days, when evenings were time to play, meet friends and socialize.

Speaker 5
Social networking actually blends people to do that is opposite to what society wants in real. It hampers the ability of an individual to deal with people off screen and makes it difficult for people to live and interact in a non-virtual society. It makes an individual its slave. And individuals are reduced to the level of so called “masters” of social network.

You will hear a speech on how to keep New Year’s Resolution. Read the questions given in your worksheet, then listen to the extract and choose ‘a’ or ‘b’ or ‘c’ for each questions.

You will hear the recording twice.

Good Morning friends! Today I will share with you how to keep your new year’s resolution.

We all know that New Year’s resolutions are very difficult to keep. Most people who make them are lucky enough to get through January without having slipped up somewhere for having given up altogether. What is the best way to make a New Year resolution in reality?

You can … You can begin with a resolution, a friend and will power.

The first thing you need to realise for making your resolution is that New Year’s Day is just another day. Don’t put too much emphasis on it being a brand new start.

After that choose your resolution and review the different areas of your life and think about what is working well and what isn’t. Instead of picking the same resolutions that you can never seem to keep, like losing weight, etc., choose an area you need to improve in rather than some huge change. Think long term and make sure there’s something you can realistically see happening.

Once you’ve decided your resolution, write it down making a promise with yourself, stating what you set out to do and sign it to make it official.

You should try and get some support by telling a trusted friend about your resolution. They will provide you with support and keep you focused on your goal. Their support will ensure you don’t give up, just in case you feel like doing so.

Then review your progress. Break your resolution down into two stages, so you can track your progress. Look back for a couple of months and see what you are doing right. Try to fix anything you are doing wrong. For instance, if your resolution is going for morning walks, perhaps you haven’t been sticking to it because you always wake up late. Try going in the evenings instead. Making a minor adjustment could be the key to success.

A good idea is to make more resolutions. When you are doing well at keeping your resolutions, you may discover you are feeling better. Similarly, if you’ve given up something as a part of your resolution, try to find more substitutes to keep your mind occupied.

Never forget to celebrate your success. Treat yourself with something you wanted to do for a long time.

Keep going. Extend the timeline of your resolution and work it into your everyday routine. So that’s how we keep a new year’s resolution.

Thank You.

Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills
Class-IX (2016-17)
Listening Test (Key)

Time: 1 hour Max Marks: 20

Task 1:
1. theatre performance
2. Break
3. Cafetaria
4. East side
Task – 2
True statements:
Task – 3
1. A – Speaker 2
2. B – Speaker 5
3. C –
4. D – Speaker 4
5. E –
6. F – Speaker 1
7. G – Speaker 3
Task 4
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. c


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  1. ved says:

    i want worksheet pdf of this speaking test

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