Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Write a letter to your landlord requesting him for some urgent repairs in the flat.

Write a letter to your landlord requesting him for some urgent repairs in the flat.

Write a letter to your landlord requesting him for some urgent repairs in the flat.


M-79, Shandra,


March 20, 2006.

Dear Mr. Puri,

I am to bring to your notice that your flat needs some urgent repairs. I have been a tenant in your flat for the last ten years and have never asked you even for a whitewash. But the recent heavy rains have damaged the roof. There are holes in the roof. The kitchen also needs some minor repairs.

If you have no time I can get the repairs, whitewash, etc., done myself and the amount spent can be adjusted against the rent payable to you for coming months.


Yours sincerely,



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  1. momobami says:

    too rude lol the question was to request for repairs not to be rude

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