Home » Languages » English (Sr. Secondary) » Write a letter to a Pen-friend who lives in England, enquiring about opportunities for higher education in U. K. Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Write a letter to a Pen-friend who lives in England, enquiring about opportunities for higher education in U. K. Letter for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.

Write a letter to a Pen-friend who lives in England, enquiring about opportunities for higher education in U. K.


15, Mahatma Gandhi Road,


20th May, 2003.


My dear Arthur,

I thank you very much for your letter in which you have described the system of education in British universities. It has kindled in me a desire to. join a British University for my higher studies.

There are, of course, many good colleges and universities in India. But it is said that, as far as science and technology are concerned, many of them cannot hold a candle to some institutions of higher learning abroad. I am interested in science, especially physics, and I would like to have the best training in it, so that I may serve my country better. Don’t suppose that I intend to settle in Britain, thus adding to the brain drain from India. In fact, one of my motives in having a foreign education is to prove that one can benefit from it and yet return to one’s country and Serve it. I have another personal motive. It is none other than to know you and enjoy your company in person.

Will you, therefore, be kind enough to furnish me with detailed information about colleges and universities in U. K.? I would like you to write particularly about the rules of admission, the courses of study, the fees charged, hostel accommodation and so forth. What are the chances of my getting a scholarship?

I eagerly await your reply.

Yours sincerely,



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