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Essay on “My Hobby” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Hobby 7 Best Essays on ” My Hobby” Essay No. 01 A hobby is an activity which is pursued in leisure time, mainly for recreation and replenishing the energy lost through work. There are several hobbies which one may pursue, such as photography, stamp collecting, reading, etc. A hobby should be pursued according to one’s nature of work and aptitude. Certain hobbies such as photography are very expensive. Hobbies like...
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Essay on “Problems of Rising Prices” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Problems of Rising Prices The problem of rising prices is the greatest economic problem in a country today. It is cutting the throats of millions today because millions of people find it hard to manage one square meal a day. All day work does not promise then sufficient to eat and drink. Prices have doubled in the last five years and many things on daily use are now...
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Essay on “My Favourite Leader” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Favourite Leader 4 Best Essay on “My Favourite Leader” Essay No. 01 Our motherland is proud of Shri Moraji Desai who was the present Prime Minister of India. He was a default follower of Mahatma Gandhi. He was a man of principles. He had never deviated from the path of socialism and secularism. Shri Desai was born on 29th Feb. 1896 in Gujarat. He was a promising student from the...
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Paragraph or Speech on “Describe the Newspaper you Read” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Describe the Newspaper you Read or The Newspaper I Read I  read” Hindustan times.” It always has latest news. It is a good newspaper for all the educated people. The articles are written by well known people and the editorials are informative.  All gives the  complete idea of different types of latest information’s on all  sorts of topics and makes us aware of what is happening in the far off areas....
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Paragraph or Speech on “Describe your Grandfather ” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Describe your Grandfather   or My Grandfather My Grandfather is an old man. He is a retired officer.  He has white hair and is very particular about his eating and living habits. He goes to temple daily. He is the first to get up and last to go to bed. He is very loving and affectionate. He has a big heart. He loves us very much. He take care of my...
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Paragraph or Speech on “Describe Your College Library” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Describe Your College Library or My College Library Our College Library is well maintained and modern. The library has as many as fifteen  thousand books. It has both national and international magazines. It gets all the national dailies. It works from nine in the morning till five in the evening. It has the open shelf system. They can issues 4 books at a time and allow to keep them for a...
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