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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “An Indian Juggler” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Indian Juggler Once India was considered a land of snake charmers and jugglers. This impression of India was particularly there in the mind of the foreigners, especially those belonging to western countries. Jugglery has been an important profession in India. It has lost much of its luster now, though still it is not an extinct or dried-out occupation. An Indian juggler is, as is well-known, an embodiment of stark poverty...
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Essay on “Two Child Norm” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Two Child Norm   China has long adopted a one-child norm and has practically controlled its population. In this respect, India has lagged behind. India long adopted the general formula of a two child norm and coined several slogans in vernacular to impress illiterate people and those belonging to lower strata of society who generally have large families. However, India being a democratic set up, only persuasive and not coercive methods...
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Essay on “Myself” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Myself Essay No. 01 It is very easy to say something about others and even to pass one’s comments on their activities, good or bad. But it is very difficult to say anything about oneself. It is because if one talks highly of oneself, one will be dubbed as an egoist. If one talks lowly of oneself, one may be disparaged as one suffering from an inferiority complex.  This, however, does...
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Essay on “Human Rights” Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Human Rights Essay No. 01 Much is spoken about human rights and human rights violations. There is an inherent problem with this approach to trying to create a just world for humans to live in that is conducive to the actualizing of human potential. Even for the most “humanistic” among us, hearing the word “human” conjures up associations of that which is flawed and temporal . For those among us who...
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Essay on “A Good Leader ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Good Leader  Essay No. 01 Leaders are needed at every level and in every venue. Leadership is the quality of providing direction to a group of individuals working towards a common goal. There are some attributes that can help you become an outstanding leader. Start small. Try teaching a fellow student one of your strengths. Take on extra responsibility when given the opportunity. Let others see that you are someone...
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Essay/Paragraph or Speech on “Self Help” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Self Help There is a saying: “God helps those who help themselves.” Self – help is the best help. It is a heroic virtue. It gives us the spirit of self confidence and strength of mind. God has given us physical strength and intelligence enough to live a healthy life. So we should properly use these two important qualities order to build up our life. Life itself has to be adequately...
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Essay/Paragraph or Speech on “Unity is Strength” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Unity is Strength 3 Best Essays on ” Unity is Strength” Essay  No. 01 When a job is done united for obtaining any special goal is called unity. It is a significant feature in human life. Without unity, we cannot do a single day. Unity has great value in every walk of life. There is a proverb that unity is strength. Therefore, our first and foremost duty is to maintain the...
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Essay/Paragraph or Speech on “Unity in Diversity” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Unity in Diversity India is a multi –cultural, multi –racial, multi – lingual and multi ethnic society. It is a land of diversity. People of different creeds, customs, cultures and traditions live here. They have their different festivals, manners and lifestyle. Their religions and beliefs are also different. Despite all these, there are certain common visit able bonds that link them together. This is a distinct feature of India and it...
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