Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “An Indian Juggler” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
An Indian Juggler
Once India was considered a land of snake charmers and jugglers. This impression of India was particularly there in the mind of the foreigners, especially those belonging to western countries.
Jugglery has been an important profession in India. It has lost much of its luster now, though still it is not an extinct or dried-out occupation.
An Indian juggler is, as is well-known, an embodiment of stark poverty in the lower strata of society in India. He is poorly and scantily dressed and the same is the condition of his wife and daughter who accompany him. Even his pets, the bear and the monkey, are mere skeletons of bones for want of food.
The juggler is a highly dexterous fellow. He easily brings out heaps of marbles, iron pieces, pigeons, frogs and so many things from his mouth. He changes the number of the currency notes. He drinks acids down into his throat without getting harmed. He can play with half a dozen and maybe more, balls at the same time. He has all the qualities of a good magician.
Just to make a bare livelihood, the juggler lets his weak, thin scantily clad little daughter to balance herself precariously on a rope. He shows humorous pranks with his monkey and bear. He shows many apparently dangerous feats just to earn a little money.
However, to his and even our great dismay, the poor juggler cannot earn enough. He is hardly able to make both ends meet. It is mainly because his tricks are crude and do not appeal to the elitist gentry. They are generally witnessed by the groundings who do not pay him adequately after watching his feats.