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Essay on “Indian Democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Democracy   Synopsis: Democracy is a is a political set-up in which public it’s the ultimate power.  India is democratic country based on the system of adult franchise and indirect participation by the people in the government.  All people are equipping before law in India.  It is democratic ideal based on equality of opportunity.  India is a democratic and welfare state which implies reasonably goo duality of life tall its...
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Essay on “Advantage of Internet” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Advantage of Internet  Or Use of Internet          Synopsis:  This is an age of information, Info Tech and computers.  Information is now multi-billion dollar business resulting in computer proliferation worldwide.  Information super highway or internet has revolutions the life and information technology.  By being hooked you can have access to anything anywhere in the world.  Internet is a melting pot of so many technologies which provides multimedia information facilities of...
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Essay on “Indian Tourism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Tourism               Synopsis:  Indian tourism industry holds excellent prospects both in terms of domestic and foreign tourist.  Tourism is becoming more and Joe popular because of many modern developments.  Tourism in India has developed many new dimensions and fascinations which need to be fully exploited to generate new employment opportunities and earn more foreign exchange.  Tourism infrastructure and tourism friendly culture should due be developed fast.  Many new and...
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Essay on “The Nuclear Option” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Nuclear Option   Synopsis: America has developed new weapons of mass destruction, more powerful than the earthquake bombs on the pretext of punishing the so-called “rogue countries”.  China is also increasing and expanding her nuclear and missile muscle.  She is also supplying nuclear weapon technology to Pakistan to Indian’s great security rid. In such a situation India’s keeping nuclear option open is right and understandable but unfortunately nothing has been...
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Essay on “Water Problem” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Water Wisdom Or Water Problem   Synopsis:  Water is an essential ingredient of all kind of life. Earth is a unique living planet because eat has water.  There is water and water and yet not enough to drink and May towns, cities and villages often face acute shortage of water.  To alleviate the drinking water situation a mission was started in 1986 but man of the schemes under the project remain...
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Essay on “Reservation for Women in Parliament” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Reservation for Women in Parliament               Synopsis:  In spite of much constitutional provision for protection women, Indian society suffers from deep rooted gender-bias. Women have no proper representation in decision-making and so 33% reservation for them in the Parliament and State legislatures was proposed but it has been hanging fire for a long time for lack of political will and gender bias among the political leader.   They suffer from superiority...
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Essay on “Forest and Wildlife Conservation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Forest and Wildlife Conservation   Synopsis :  Forests and wildlife are part and parcel of our precious and fragile environment and need protection and conservation  There are a couple of Acts which prohibit exploitation of endangered species of animals, birds den plants and yet the poachers are on the prowl and illegal hunting and killing of animals is being indulged in with impunity.  Because of fast shrinking forest-over and habitat come...
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Essay on “Science and Society” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Science and Society Essay No. 01          Synopsis : Science and society are in constant and fruitful interaction through scientists.  Man is a social being and so is a scientist.  Society provides scientists with laboratories,. Libraries and institution of learning and the scientists in their turn commit themselves to the betterment of the society by their discoveries, exploration, inventions etc. Science is a rational approach to truth.  It is the...
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