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Essay on “Indian’s unity at the cross roads” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian’s unity at the cross roads                    After more than half a century of our independence our people have failed at a very important front- of getting all our people together fighting for a single cause of reconstruction and development.  India is no doubt, speeding towards development and trying to compete with the developed countries in many aspects of progress, but at home we are not well.  There are numerous...
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Essay on “Laser” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Laser          The name ‘LASER’ is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.  A Laser is an electric apparatus for producing unified light waves that can be exactly controlled, precisely focused, and when desired, made extremely powerful. It can be aimed precisely enough to destroy a dangerous skin tumor without affecting other healthy skin tissue.             ‘Laser’ light has certain remarkable properties, which make it chromatic, for...
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Essay on “Status of Human rights in Independent India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Status of Human rights in Independent India   POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. A nation is free if the individuals composing it are free. 2.The concept of human rights is very old, though the term was coined in more recent times in international covenants and charters. Introduction of western education in British India made Indians familiar with values such as liberty and human rights. There is provision for human rights in the...
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Essay on “Can Human Rights be Universal Rights?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Can Human Rights be Universal Rights?     POINTS TO DEVELOP 1.Certain rights are basic to human beings. UN declaration of Human Rights-how it came about and what it promises. 3. On the  conventions reinforcing the UN Declaration of Human Rights. 4.The UN as monitor of human rights violations.  5.Human rights in the context of terrorism and ethnic violence; India scene. North-South divide perceptible in the matter of human rights. Do human rights...
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Essay on “Human Rights” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Human Rights   POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. Growing global emphasis on human rights. concept of human rights means different things to different people but the Western viewpoint is gaining dominance. political ramifications-the issue is becoming a North-South/East-West divide; the North/West emphasis on civil rights versus the South/East emphasis on economic and social rights. Credibility of all sides questionable as viewpoints are guided by self-interest of ulterior motives. 5.India’s view and status...
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Essay on “United Nations-Role and Future” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

United Nations-Role and Future   POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. UN was born more than 60 years ago. UN role in conflict resolution and socio-economic intervention, and its aim is to save the worlds form war. Some of its successful actions, and some of its failures. Most of its failures arose in trying to enforce peace in conflicts within nations. Causes. Many of its successes are on the socio-economic front. Impact of...
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Essay on “India’s Defence Needs in a Technological Scenario” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India’s Defence Needs in a Technological Scenario   POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. Technological advancements have revolutionized means of warfare. 2.Though milestones have been achieved in missile and nuclear technologies, some basic areas of warfare need to be developed. Needs in the new nuclear scenario. Use of information technology for strategic advantages. Counter – measure for protection against chemical and biological warfare need to be developed. Defence R&D should be strengthened.  ...
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Essay on “An Apolitical Defence Force” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Apolitical Defence Force   POINTS TO DEVELOP 1. Defiance personnel have as many political rights as a civilian citizen, but the defence force as a whole should be apolitical. In the past, political and military authorities were vested in one person; today, the two powers stand separated. Being apolitical does not mean lack of political awareness but refraining form direct involvement in political affairs. In the pre-independence era, the British...
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