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Essay on “Global Warming” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 Global Warming          Synopsis:  The year 1998 has been the hottest on record so far.  The 1990’s have seen the three hottest years.  The average temperature has risen by 0.2 * C in the recent decades.  As a result of global warming three have been huge and unprecedented floods, storms, cyclones etc. resulting n destruction on vast scales Ion recent years the concentration of carbon dioxide, methane...
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Essay on “The Euro has arrived” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Euro has arrived          Synopsis:  The euro, a single and common currency for eleven European countries was launched at mid-night of 31st December, 1998. Greece was not admitted to the euro while Sweden, Denmark and Brittan opted out, however, they will join it by 2001-2003. The event was hailed as the most ambitious scheme of the millennium and launched with fret enthusiasm.  It has integrated all the me] amber...
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Essay on “Defections and horse-trading” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Defections and horse-trading          Synopsis: Defections and horse-trading is one of the many dimensions of all pervasive corruption in India.  It is blatant betrayal of the trust by the elected representatives.  No political group is free from the contagion.  Power-seeking politicians engineer and manipulate defections easily in these times of fractured mandate den grab power by hook or by cork resulting in colossal waste of public money and jumbo-size trading...
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Essay on “AIDS: the sure and silent killer” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

AIDS: the sure and silent killer        Synopsis: AIDS is now an epidemic and pandemic disease it has developed many new channels of transmission and so nobody feels safe and secure from the deeded disease.  The fact that now the world has turned into a global village has made problem all the more compel and terrible.  The genesis of AIDS or HIV can be traced to a particular typed of monkeys...
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Essay on “Ecology, economy and natural resources” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Ecology, economy and natural resources          Synopsis: Rapid and radical changes in our surroundings indicate disorder and imbalance in ecology.  These are dangerous trends and need to be checked and reversed.  Indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources, industrial development and rapid growth of population have resulted in widespread pollution and degradation.  In our own country the pollution levels have reached beyond biological endurance foreboding ecological disaster.  Massive deforestation, soil-erosion and loss...
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Essay on “Indian Democracy” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Democracy  Essay No. 01 Synopsis: Democracy is a is a political set-up in which public it’s the ultimate power.  India is democratic country based on the system of adult franchise and indirect participation by the people in the government.  All people are equipping before law in India.  It is democratic ideal based on equality of opportunity.  India is a democratic and welfare state which implies reasonably good quality of life...
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Essay on “50 Years of Indian Independence” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

50 Years of Indian Independence          Synopsis: Freedom came to Indian accompanied by accursed partition.  Soon after partition another shock awaited India in the form of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination.  During these 50 years of independence India has failed on many fronts like fool security, health, literacy, sanitation etc, and the quality of life has been very poor.  The literacy rate among women is just 40 per cent and as low...
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Essay on “Removal of Rural Poverty” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Removal of Rural Poverty   Synopsis:  India is basically a country of villages and agriculture.  Over 70 per cent of its population is rural poor.  Poverty can be seen at its starkest among them. They lack even the bare minimum needs of life.  Millions of them have been living under poverty line for generations.  Unless their poverty is alleviated there cannot be real freedom and independence.  Many schemes have been launched...
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