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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Value of Discipline” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Value of Discipline Discipline is a training to lead a regulated life and to obey the elders. In discipline there is a force of habit. Orders are carried out without asking useless questions. Disciplined soldiers know that they should obey their commanders and have to right to challenge them. Every civilized society is built on the foundations of discipline. Where there is no discipline, there is disturbance. Discipline is as...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “If I Were A Millionaire” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were A Millionaire Or Winning A Lottery I am the son of a poor clerk. My father lives from hand to mouth. I never saw even five thousand rupees in my home. Several times I purchased lottery tickets also. But fortune never favoured me. However I am free to make my plans. I am going below my plan. If by the grace of God I ever become the master...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “If I Were the Director of Education” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were the Director of Education         Education in our country is most neglected. It is not properly directed. It needs wise Directors. If I get a chance to work as the Director of Education. I shall introduce many changes.         First of all I shall make primary education free and compulsory. I shall appoint only those teachers in primary schools who have a knowledge of child psychology. I shall...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “World Peace” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

World Peace         Peace is liked by all. It is for peace that we pray to God every morning and evening. Peace hath her victories no less glorious than war. It is in peace time that we have great men, high thoughts and golden deeds. Peace encourages education, trade, commerce and industry. Greater than personal peace is the peace of the nation and still greater is the world peace. This is...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Independence Day Celebrations” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Independence Day Celebrations 15th August is a very important day. We became free on this day. The English left India for ever in 1947. Since then we have been celebrating the Independence Day every year on 15th August. This year it was celebrated with special interest. Early in the morning prayers were offered in temples, churches and mosques. At 8.30 a.m. on the Police Ground, parades and military salutes were...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “A Play Staged in Our College” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Play Staged in Our College   Our Principal is a great educationist. He is a social worker as well. He believes that drama has a social force. Every year some social play is staged. This year he allowed us to stage Tagore’s well-known play Sacrifice. Fortunately there are some teachers in our college who are first rate musicians. They began to help us. The stage was erected in one corner...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “An Evening at A Picture Palace” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Evening at A Picture Palace   I am not regular cinema-goer. I go to see a picture once or twice a year. My parents are very strict. They allow me to see only educative pictures. In the month of February last a religious picture ‘Sampurna Tirth Yatra’ came to oue town. My parents decided to see the picture. They took me also with them. We reached The Krishna Talkies exactly...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “An Amusing Scene” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

An Amusing Scene   In February last Mother went away to Lucknow to see her parents there. Two weeks later came the Holidays. My father told me and my sister to get ready to go to Lunknow for a few days. The hope of seeing Mother so soon filled us with great joy. Early next morning we reached the Railway station. Father purchased three second class tickets and we walked on...
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