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Write a Debate Speech in Support of Advertisements.

Write a Debate Speech in Support of Advertisements. “Mr. Chairman, honorable judges, my most worthy opponents and everyone else present her today. Good afternoon. Before I begin on my points, I would like to express my disagreement with one of the points expressed by the proposition team. “The second speaker for the proposition said that advertisements cause people to keep  buying low- quality goods, Now, I feel that people generally are...
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Essay on “”Cleaning Toilets should be Part of the School Curriculum.” Do you Agree ?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

“Cleaning Toilets should be Part of the School Curriculum.” Do you Agree ?   About two months ago, our Education Minister brought up the subject of school toilets. He suggested that cleaning these toilets should be part of the school curriculum. The public reaction to this issue was so strong that people have been flooding the mass media with opinions for and against his suggestion. One of the reasons the Education...
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Should our School Examination System be Abolished? Give Reasons for Your Stand.

Should our School Examination System be Abolished? Give Reasons for Your Stand. From primary school to the end of their tertiary education, students face the daunting task of preparing for examinations every single year. So much time and emotion is poured into preparing for examinations. Advocates of the system contend that annual examinations are a good way of training children for the stress of life after school where. deadlines and sales...
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It is Better to be the Eldest Child than the Youngest one in the Family. “Write a Debate Speech, Proposing or Opposing this Motion.

It is Better to be the Eldest Child than the Youngest one in the Family. “Write a Debate Speech, Proposing or Opposing this Motion. “Mr. Chairman, honorable judges, misguided members of the opposition, and members of the floor: Good day to all. “Standing here today on this breezy morning as the third speaker for the proposition, I wish to continue where my team-mates left off to correct the misleading information presented...
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Essay on “The Occupation I Like Most” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Occupation I Like Most I climb into the cockpit and sit myself down on the metal seat of the F-16 “Falcon”, one of the best supersonic planes ever invented. I run a routine check on all the aircraft’s dials and gauges as well as the weapon systems through the heads display. The sergeant gives me the thumbs-up sign from the far run way, indicating that all the external parts of...
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Essay on “What Changes would you like to See in your School ?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

What Changes would you like to See in your School ? If you were to see the number of suggestion slips stuffed into my school’s Suggestion Box, you would be shocked. Granted, some of the suggestions are rubbish but I do agree with many of them. There are many ways in which my school could be improved, many weaknesses that need seeing to. Firstly, and most importantly, teachers in all schools...
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Essay on “The Problem of Deforestation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Problem of Deforestation Thousands and thousands of acres of lush rain forests are cleared each year to make way for development. The once beautiful and spectacular forests are reduced to barren landscapes. This is for the sake of development, for the advancement of man. Yet, what happens when trees are felled? Firstly, the earth is left vulnerable to soil erosion. The heavy tropical rains will carry away the rich topsoil,...
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Essay on “Describe the Sights and Sounds at the end of a Long Day” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Describe the Sights and Sounds at the end of a Long Day “Yes!” I shouted in my head. “Time to pack up!”. I straightened my stiff back and neck, the result of hours of hunching over documents and surveyed the whole noise-polluted room. Andrew was yelling at Mac for throwing a paper plane at him; Mandy and Lily were chatting animatedly, undoubtedly about clothes or make-up; Jay and Rayne were chatting...
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