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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Work Done Without Show and Pomp Presides” Complete English Essay

Work Done Without Show and Pomp Presides Any work, done with the aim of realizing its own purpose rather than the selfish aims of its doer, will definitely be virtuous and successful. Success is possible in such cases because the efforts of the doer will be sincere, with attention focused fully on the work. But, if the aim of doing a work is to secure glory or acclaim for the doer,...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Probability is the Guide of Life” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Probability is the Guide of Life We do not have a definite knowledge of either our origin or our destiny. Our experiences in life, consisting of both successes and failures, are all that we know about. By using the knowledge from these experiences, however, we can plan our future by predicting its nature. Such knowledge helps us determine the probability of an event happening or not serves as our guide in...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Character is Fate” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Character is Fate Character is inborn and predetermined. It varies from person to person, thereby giving us our distinct identities. We do not have any knowledge beforehand about our character. We get to know it only as we progress in life. It is also possible that we will never fully or properly understand character even in an entire lifetime. Just as we know of our fate only when we experience it,...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Life is Action, not Contemplation” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Life is Action, not Contemplation Life is meant for such activities as will help sustain it, more than for indulging in thoughts and planning about how to do them. Ideas, however well-thought-of and noble they may be, are useless until they are translated into actions beneficial to society. Thinking and planning are useful only if they lead to practicable ideas. Nowadays, we come across several self-proclaimed thinkers and intellectuals, who, despite...
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Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Work is Worship” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.

Work is Worship The earth supports us, but not to the extent that we may live without working. It has enough natural wealth, but not in readily usable forms. It is our efforts that convert Nature’s gifts into materials that fulfil our needs. Just as our needs are varied, so are the ways in which we have to work to fulfil them. No work can, therefore, be ignored or considered inferior,...
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English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “The Educational Values of Television” Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Graduation Students.

The Educational Values of Television Alexander Graham Bell had once predicted that we would be able to see things sitting at home in the distant future. At that point of time, his prophecy was taken as a joke by many people. However, this prediction came true when John Logie Baird finally invented the television or the “long-distance eyes for the mankind. The invention of television revolutionized the information technology. Mankind was...
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English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Teacher’s Day” Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Graduation Students.

Teacher’s Day Teacher’s day is celebrated on every 5th September. On this day one of the foremost teacher, philosopher and great writer S. Radhakrishnan was born. This day is celebrated to commemorate his birthday and the ideals for which he stood for all his life. Before he became the President of India he was a great teacher, the Government of India has designated the 5th of September as the teacher’s day....
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English Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “Student and Discipline” Complete Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and Graduation Students.

Student and Discipline Discipline can be described as a quality that makes a person conduct his daily life in an orderly and punctual manner. Educational institutions all over the world strive towards inculcating such a habit in their students Unfortunately, the quality of discipline is on the decline. Students and other young people are becoming more unruly. Strikes, violence, dishonesty, laziness, and anger have become the order of the any Indiscipline...
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