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Essay on “India Today” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India Today POINTS TO DEVELOP India as an independent modern state not long in existence in terms of historical time, but enough for us to form an assessment Both positive and negative features in the polity, economy, and social sector. Real freedom out of reach for many; ’rights’ more on paper than in reality. , Cynicism in large sections of the population-a dangerous feature Values have eroded Time to renew our...
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Essay on “If the British had not colonized India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If the British had not colonized India     POINTS TO DEVELOP History cannot be altered, but one can just imagine a case. if the British had not come to India, we might have been free of suffering oppression and exploitation on political and economic fronts. India’s economic history may have been bright. Growth of communalism may have been thwarted. The positive aspects of British rule.   History cannot be altered and...
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Essay on “If human beings can be cloned ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If human beings can be cloned    POINTS TO DEVELOP Cloning animals not new, but cloning human beings fraught with ethic problems Advantages Objections. Summing up.    Cloning  is not something new. Mammals have usually been cloned by nuclear transfer technique which involves fusion of a donor cell and an egg cell. Until now, this fusion was possible only when the donor cell was taken directly from an embryo and not from...
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Essay on “Environment Degradation” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Environment Degradation POINTS TO DEVELOP Human beings take too much from nature. For a long time the pace of exploitation was reasonable. Industrial revolution increased beyond reasonable limits man’s use of natural resources. Effects of man’s activities in the fields of agriculture, mining, industry, search for material prosperity. If humans do not mend their ways they will destroy life on this planet. Blest the infant Babe …… . Nursed in his...
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Essay on “History repeats itself ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

History repeats itself  POINTS TO DEVELOP Events repeated in history. Specific examples of repetition-wars, causes for war, revolutions, consequences. Cycles of greatness and lowliness in every country’s history. Repetition of history has not helped humankind learn not to repeat mistakes.   History is a record of past, especially in connection with human race. It affords us a glimpse into acts, events, ideas, characters of the past, thus helping us to know more...
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Essay on “History needs to be Rewritten” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

History needs to be Rewritten   POINTS TO DEVELOP Pre-selected events are taught as history, and these relate only to the dominant groups in different periods of time. Bias integral to most historical texts. illustration of such prejudice in historical texts by the British. Today, there are attempts to glorify India’s ancient period whether historically true or not. Need to change our approach to history-move from the study of individuals and...
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Essay on “Growing Flexibility in Gender Roles of Men and Women” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Growing Flexibility in Gender Roles of Men and Women   POINTS TO DEVELOP Early concept of definite division of roles for men and women. Change leading to flexibility has several reasons economic and social. Slow breakdown of joint family system is a factor. Changing roles not a smooth process. Changing needs of the time has helped flexibility to grow in gender roles. This flexibility evident in urban rather than rural areas....
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Essay on “Generation Gap” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Generation Gap   POINTS TO DEVELOP What is a generation gap? Two aspects-chronological and psychological. Tug-of-war between two generations. Peer group pressures. Friction mellows in later life. Conclusion The generation gap is another of those characteristic features that set Homo sapiens apart from other animals. It is doubtful if ever the most intelligent of apes ever blamed its juniors for their wayward ways! Over the years people have tried to analyse...
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