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Essay on “Crimes in Big Cities” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Crimes in Big Cities The crime rate has been increasing in  our metropolitan cities at an alarming speed in the recent past. Not a day passes when we do not read or hear of daylight activities, holdups, murders, cases of bride- burning, pick-pocketing, burglary, etc. people have developed a sense of is safe any longer. Things have come to such a pass that we have started taking these crimes for granted....
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Essay on “Indian Music” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Music Indian music has a special appeal not only within the country but also throughout the world. The traditional pattern of Indian  music has survived throughout the centuries of modern civilization and entertained not only the  common people in this country but lovers of music and art throughout the world. Although there are regional styles in Indian music but the basic unity, i.e., of Ragas and Talas concept is uniformly...
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Essay on “An Ideal Leader” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01 An Ideal Leader The ideal leader has got to have sterling qualities, the impression of which should be such that the pupils persons of masses treasure his memory all their lives. The ideal leader arouses love and respect from all those whom he leads. In other words, people naturally feel drawn towards him. This is attributable to his quietly inviting personality which is bedecked with elderliness. The ideal...
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Essay on “Educative Value of Films” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Education and Films Or Educative Value of Films There are many ways of educating. One is through sight. Education through sight means whatever is to be taught is put before your eyes. It is called visual education. This way of educating is very useful. One learns very quickly through it.  Film is a form of visual education. We get all  sorts of information and enlightenment. F8ilm is a practical teacher. Education...
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Essay on “Patriotism – Love of One’s Country” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Patriotism – Love of One’s Country Patriotism is the  love of one’s own country. It is a divine spark in the human breast. I teaches a man to love his own native land more than anything else. A patriot thinks no scarifies too great for his country, he is ever prepared to die for this motherland. Cowper says, “England with  all thy faults, I love thee still.”      Patriotism is a...
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Essay on “Socialism in India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Socialism in India Socialism means a society in which everybody is equal both economically and socially. It believes in the equality of man. It means that wealth should not accumulate in the hands of some people only. In socialism man does not exploit man. India is a free country now. The writer of our constitution had recommended a secular socialistic pattern of society for this country. our country is developing industrially...
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