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In what Circumstances is the Invasion of one Country by another Justified?

In what Circumstances is the Invasion of one Country by another Justified?   Invasion is never justified if there is a possibility of resolving disputes by diplomatic means. The U.N., drawn up by the San Francisco Conference in 1945, in succession to the League of Nations exists to maintain international peace and security. Its Security Council can urge members to take economic or military sanctions, or can provide a peace-keeping force...
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Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “How do you Measure Success in Life?” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

How do you Measure Success in Life?   Reaching the top of the tree in one’s chosen occupation or profession is the usual standard by which success in life is measured, at least in the Western world. However, many Asians would reject this criterion. The contemplative religions assert that success is only measurable in terms of religious advancement and of the acquisition of the virtues. Thus, success would be in inverse...
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Essay on “How I know my Mother loves Me” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

How I know my Mother loves Me When I was very young, I was a sickly child. In fact, I had to spend most of my life away from school and in bed. Not surprisingly, I was miserable. I fretted a lot and constantly demanded my mother’s attention. I was a spoiled brat. During the day, I would demand that my favorite delicacies be served to me and that my favorite...
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Essay on “What Qualities would you Look for in a Future Wife or Husband ?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

What Qualities would you Look for in a Future Wife or Husband ?   Along the road from cradle to grave many of us get married. This in itself can cause emotional disturbance than all the other events of our lives combined. Many factors make the difference between marital bliss and having “an old ball-and-chain” but the most important factor is probably whom we choose to marry. That is why I...
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Essay on “”The Golden Age of Youth”, How True is this Description of your Life as a Youth?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12.

“The Golden Age of Youth”, How True is this Description of your Life as a Youth?   “The Golden Age of Youth”?Who coined up that expression? I am certainly not experiencing golden” days in my life as a youth. Furthermore, many of my friends’ complaints seem to attest that their experiences of youth roughly match up with mine, that is, life as a youth is tough! Firstly, being young automatically means...
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Essay on “”Friends should Never Hide Anything from each Other.” Do you Agree ?” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

“Friends should Never Hide Anything from each Other.” Do you Agree ?   No man is an island. Everyone depends on his friends to a certain extent. Ever since man formed a system of verbal communication, all people have been in constant chatter with one another. Relationships are important to man, so much that people may shape their entire lifestyles simply to find favor with their clique or circle of friends....
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Write a Debate Speech in Support of Advertisements.

Write a Debate Speech in Support of Advertisements. “Mr. Chairman, honorable judges, my most worthy opponents and everyone else present her today. Good afternoon. Before I begin on my points, I would like to express my disagreement with one of the points expressed by the proposition team. “The second speaker for the proposition said that advertisements cause people to keep  buying low- quality goods, Now, I feel that people generally are...
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