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Essay on “Indian Tourism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Tourism               Synopsis:  Indian tourism industry holds excellent prospects both in terms of domestic and foreign tourist.  Tourism is becoming more and Joe popular because of many modern developments.  Tourism in India has developed many new dimensions and fascinations which need to be fully exploited to generate new employment opportunities and earn more foreign exchange.  Tourism infrastructure and tourism friendly culture should due be developed fast.  Many new and...
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Essay on “Bank of India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Bank of India          Synopsis: The history of modern banking in India can be traced back to 1881. 14 major banks were nationalized in 1969 followed by another 6 in 1980.  The Reserve bank of India was set up in 1934. The State Bank of India, with 7 associate banks is the largest bank in the country.  There were 288 banks in March 1995 including nationalized and non-nationalized banks.  At...
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Essay on “Advertisement” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Advertisement        Synopsis:   Advertisement is indispensable for business and marketing. It is essential to promote sales and achieve growth. Advertisements help the buyers to take good and immediate buying decisions.  Popularity of television has added new dimensions to advertising. Children and young men and women are often the targets of the alluring and enticing ads because they play a crucial role in making buying decision although they themselves have no control...
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Essay on “India goes to developed country” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

India goes to developed country Developmental processes of the world today are often blamed for the destruction of ecology, as it causes pollution through the smoke being belched out by chimneys in the various factories etc., and through effluents being constantly dumped into the rivers and underground.  The result is, no doubt, disastrous.  The big cities have become dens of pollution, despite all the facilities of modern civilized societies available there...
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Essay on “Conservation of land” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Conservation of land               Synopsis: Conservation of the land is essential for survival and continued availability of food-grains.  Soil-erosion is a worldwide phenomenon but it is worst in the developing countries. Water and wind are the major sources of soil-erosion which wash or blow away the top soil, the valuable substance which helps plants and vegetation to grow.  In India about 175 Mha land is already degrades because of erosion. ...
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Essay on “Reservation for woman in Parliament” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes

Reservation for woman in Parliament and Legislatures               Synopsis:  In spite of much constitution provision for protection women, Indian society suffers from deep rooted gender-bias. Women have no proper representation in decision-making and so 33% reservation for them in the Parliament and State legislatures was proposed but it has been hanging fire for a long time for lack of political will and gender bias among the political leader.   They suffer...
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Essay on “Indian Aircrafts” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Indian Aircrafts            Synopsis: Freedom came to Indian accompanied by accursed partition.  Soon after partition another shock awaited India in the form of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination.  During these 50 years of independence India has failed on many fronts like fool security, health, literacy, sanitation etc, and the quality of life has been very poor.  The literacy rate among women is just 40 per cent and as low as 20...
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Essay on “The Power of Ambition” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Power of Ambition   The power of ambition in so great in man that it nearly shapes the life of an individual completely. In the absence of ambition man would be reduced to merely a thoughtless creature without anything worthwhile to think or do. It was only the ambition which drew people mad to do something extra-ordinary like going up on the moon or the world’s highest peak, making an...
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