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Essay on “The Effects of Ragging” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Effects of Ragging Synopsis: – Ragging is the action of scolding, teasing, criticizing or nagging a person. It is generally committed by the senior students. Ragging often takes place in hostels. There are a few senor students in every hostels  The new students were subjected to simple teasing and mock interviews. Today, it has degenerated into torture of the innocent. The new students who resist and complain to authorities are...
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Essay on “Hostel life of a student” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Hostel life of a student 6 Best Essay on “Hostel Life” Essay No. 01   Synopsis: – Hostel is a place where food and lodging are provided for students or certain groups of workers or tourists. Generally, a student stays in a hostel when his residence is located far from the educational institution food in a hostel is served in the mess. A hostel has a common room, a library, and...
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Essay on “Life in an Indian Village” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Life in an Indian Village Essay No. 1             India is a developing country. The villages outnumber the towns and cities in India. More than seventy-two percent of the Indian population lives in villages. Almost all villagers are dependent on agriculture. Since Independence, the villages in India have been developing. A village is free from the hustle and bustle of city life. Life in a village is peaceful, calm, and quiet....
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Essay on “Importance of Sports” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Importance of Sports               The importance of sports is being recognized increasingly day by day room both the educational and social points of view. A sound mind in a sound body is the ideal of a better life. We can perform our duties well when our body and mind work at their best and they cannot do so unless both are in good order. Our limbs need to be supple,...
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Essay on “The Horrors of War” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Horrors of War 3 Best Essays on “The Horrors of War”  Essay No. 01        With the development of science a d technology, the modern man is facing a great threat of an impending war everywhere. All the states are spending enormously for war preparedness to make them capable of facing the challenge of war. There is a continuous effort going on in all the countries to obtain the most...
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Essay on “Super-Conductivity” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Super-Conductivity   The flow of electrons is called current and the materials in which the electrons flow is called a conductor. Copper, mercury, aluminum, etc are good conductor whereas glass, rubber and wood are bad conductors, or insulators. Materials that don’t conduct electricity better than copper are called semi-conductors. In a super conductor, elections pair up to flow without resistance at chillingly low temperatures. The discovery is unusual because organic molecules...
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Essay on “Human Cloning” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Human Cloning   Another breakthrough in genetic engineering came towards the last week of November 2001, when first human embryo was cloned. For pure scientists, it was an another milestone but it created a great controversy among the moralists and government leaders who feared it was a great potential for another scientific abuse and a crime on humanity. The US President Mr. George W. Bush condemned human cloning as “morally wrong”. “We...
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Essay on “Intellectuals and the Society” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Intellectuals and the Society   Intellectuals have always been beacon lights in the affairs of societies as they have always led the rational forces against the irrational. Knowledge and enlighten has always been at war with stupidity, prejudice, lust for power and factionalism. The intellectuals are great revolutionaries, dreamers’ and prophets. Simple stability of the society does not fascinate them. Any society, not founded on justice and morality is always a...
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