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Essay on “Morality and Law” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Morality and Law     POINTS TO DEVELOP Law and morality are not synonymous terms. Differences in perception of ‘morality’. Problems of law enforces becoming immoral as well as illegal in their actions. When state law and morality of certain groups clash, there is a problem. Concept of morality should be widened and should evolve with time. Law is related to morality, but that morality is of a universal kind. It...
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Essay on “Law ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Law as an Instrument of Social Change POINTS TO DEVELOP Society changes; contrasts within it. One of the factors responsible for change is government support through legislation. What is law? Law’s necessity. How law has influenced social change in various periods in India. Laws to reform society conspicuous under British rule. Impact of laws on economic status of certain sections of Indian society. Post-independence era: some laws having impact on society. Laws...
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Essay on “The problems of Old Age” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Problems of Old Age   POINTS TO DEVELOP   Old age is seen as unavoidable and undesirable. Compared to the past, old age is now perceived with greater fear. Why fear old age?- diminishing sense of importance; feeling of redundancy; loneliness and neglect; reduced physical and mental resilience. Modern society forces an old person to live like an island- often facing the loss of a spouse and old friends. There...
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Essay on “Indian Society” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Changing Face of Indian Society POINTS TO DEVELOP Contradictions in Indian society manifestation of change. What is social change? Factors responsible for change. Changes in structure –family, caste, status of women; on the level of ides, attitudes. The bright and not-so- bright facets of change. Inevitability of change in a dynamic society. Indian society traces its origin to the earliest times, going back to more than 4,000 years. What has...
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Essay on “Tourism” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Tourism: Potentials and Problems   POINTS TO DEVELOP Tourism one of world’s largest industries. Advantages of tourism. Disadvantages of indiscriminate tourism. Problems challenging the beneficial development of tourism. India’s position- despite great potential as a tourist destination, the industry has not been as successful as it could have been – reasons and ways to improve the situation. Economic condition of India requires tourism to be developed. Tourism has emerged as one...
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Essay on “People’s participation in Development” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

People’s participation in Development   POINTS TO DEVELOP  People’s participation in development becoming important. Meaning of participation. Ways, forms, and objective participation. Participation as a means and an end. New hopes and openings. Some suggestions and comments. People’s participation is becoming the central issue of out times. The democratic transition in many developing countries, the collapse of many socialist regimes, and the worldwide emergence of people’s organizations- these are all part...
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Essay on “Development and Population Control” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Development and Population  Control POINTS TO DEVELOP Planned development not necessarily enough to control population. Increase in population has diluted every achievement on development front. Development has not benefited a majority. An economic growth rate marginally higher than the population growth rate produces counter-productive effect on demography. How to counter the counter the vicious syndrome; (i) increase economic growth sharply and ensure equitable distribution. (ii) reduce population growth drastically. Difficulties involved....
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Essay on “Growing Population of India” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Growing Population of India   POINTS TO DEVELOP Transforming our Huge Population into Human Resource. Merits/Demerits of a large population. Impressive GDP growth rate of India. Identifying areas and developing strategies of put the vast human resource to effective use. Conclusion. India  is a large nation with a huge population. In terms of population, India is next only to China, which is the most Populated nation in the world. However, considering...
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