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Essay on “Reading Hobby ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Reading Hobby  Food is necessary for out body. Similarly, we also need food for our mind. The best food for the mind is the reading of books. It has joy of its own, which perhaps nothing else can give the pleasure one derives from reading is re creative as well as ennobling. Reading gives us peculiar joy and we forget the cares and worries of life. Reading is of different kinds....
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Essay on “Superstitions” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Superstitions Essay No. 01 Superstitions are as old as man. The earliest men who had no scientific knowledge fell on easy prey to superstition.  Thus, illiteracy and lack of knowledge and capacity to reason out are the hotbeds which generate and perpetuate superstition. Mahatma Buddha was probably the first great man to expound and explain the value and significance of reason which eliminated superstition altogether. He emphasized that everything should be...
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Essay on “Influence of Newspapers” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Influence of Newspapers In the world of today newspapers have become almost as necessary as food and clothing. This is especially true in the case of the modern educated man, who cannot enjoy his breakfast unless he has the morning’s paper before him. The world moves so fast, events happen so quickly in every sphere of life, that success is impossible without keeping in close touch with the latest developments. One...
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Essay on “Knowledge is Power” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Knowledge is Power Desire for power is inherent in man. The love of power comes from the consciousness of man’s mental and moral superiority over other created things. It is instinctive, therefore, that man as superior being must control and dominate others. Again, the awareness that all men are created unequal gives birth to the desire to rule and dominate others. The history of the world so far as man is...
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Essay on “Traveling as a Part of Education” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Traveling as a Part of Education Essay No. 01 From time immemorial traveling has been considered a part of one’s education. The Englishmen, in particular, consider their schooling incomplete without a tour of the continent. Traveling is one of the most delightful experiences of mankind. People have always enjoyed going from place to place seeing men and things. In India, unfortunately foreign travel has not been encouraged and in fact there...
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Essay on “Simple Living and High Thinking” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Simple Living and High Thinking Essay  No. 01 Great men f the world has always preached that simple living and high thinking should be the golden principle of life. All great saints like Mahatma Gandhi, Guru Nanak and Buddha etc. who attained spiritual greatness and shook the world by their intellectual thinking are examples of this principle. From time immemorial, thinkers from every corner of the would have emphasized the importance...
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Essay on “Discipline” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Discipline Discipline is implicit obedience to the commands of a superior authority, and acceptance of punishment with a smile for any breach thereof. If there is no discipline in life, there is anarchy. Life is disordered. There is no plain. No one action is related to another so that nothing reaches its, proper conclusion. Little observation will show that form heaven above to earth below, everywhere discipline reigns supreme, for instances,...
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