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Essay on “The tragedy of old age ” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The tragedy of old age  In childhood and adolescence, there is a general tendency to regard adults, be they twenty-five or seventy – five to be quite over the hill, if not actually in their dolage! Mid-life is considered to be a gloomy distant future inevitably awaiting one, but not worth bothering about. By the time one reaches the fourth decade of life even a septuagenarian seems. In comparison, not the...
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Essay on “Education is Freedom” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Education is Freedom Knowledge has always been represented by light, and ignorance has been symbolized by darkness. Hence education, the key to all knowledge and yet more knowledge, dispels the darkness and ushers in the light. Freedom too has always been associated with light whereas servility, imprisonment have been relegated to the depths of darkness. Prisons and dungeons have been always conceived as dark and gloomy whereas free men have all...
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Essay on “The Power of Habit” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Power of Habit It is through the power of habit that every act we do affect over character. This is why habit is called second nature; habit adds new tendencies, which became an important part in the sun total of once character. The tendency to repeat too action that we have been in the habits of doing is seer in our most trivial concern, as well as in more important...
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Essay on “If I Were A Millionaire” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

If I Were A Millionaire 6 Best Essays on ” If I Were a Millionaire” Essay No. 01 We have often heard old people advise the young ones not to indulge in wasteful talk about the past and future by quoting the following lines from H.W. Longfellow: “Trust no future, however pleasant, Let the dead past bury its dead. Act, act in the living present, Heart within and God overhead. But...
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Essay on “Why Indians Should Study English” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Why Indians Should Study English When India became free, there was a demand from several quarters that English should be banished from our land. It was the language of our rulers and was therefore a painful reminder of our slavery. However with the passage of time we have grown less intolerant. Experience has taught in that English is a much our language us that of the English. We are living in...
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