Solved Exercise for Precis writing with Title “Ashoka the Great” for Class 9, 10, 11, 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Passages with Solved Precis
Ashoka was one of the noblest kings that history has ever produced. He was always anxious for the welfare of the people and he imparted even handed justice to all concerned. He had appointed censors to reform the people. They were expected to see that the Law of Piety was followed by the people. He used to help the needy and he used to provide all the comforts to the people. He wanted the people to follow the path of morality and spirituality. He was able to establish peace all over the kingdom. His subjects followed the course of virtuosity. They were law-abiding citizens. He told them to follow principles of Buddhism, respect to animal life, respect to the elders, abstaining from the evil course, refraining from acts that harm others and to show an attitude of good neighbourliness. He had dug wells and planted trees along the roads. He had made enough provision for the poorer sections and for the relief of the sick. He had set up hospitals. He had set up his personal example to be followed by others.
He never took meat after he was converted to Buddhsim. He had fought the War of Kalinga and it was that effect which changed the course of his life. Like a monk he used to follow the principles of lofty idealism and lead a simple monastic life. India is proud of him because he had spread Indian culture abroad and had sent his envoys of peace upto Rome, Greece and even Japan, to spread Buddhism into those distant lands.
Ashoka the Great
Ashoka, the Great who was noble and just and who ruled India, followed the Law of Piety. He sent censors to reform public morals. He taught the oath of reverence towards animal life and elderly folk, good neighbourliness, spirit of altruistic service and non-violence. He opened many hospitals and made a provision for the poor. There was peace and order everywhere. People led pious lives. He sent cultural envoys to distant land to spread Buddhism abroad. Virtue, lofty moralism and idealism – were his quests.