Science Project on “Using Solar Cells”, Project Experiment Topics on Environmental Science for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Using Solar Cells
Materials Required:
- Three hobby solar cells
- Small DC hobby motor
- Insulated jumper leads with alligator clips on each end
- Several wooden blocks
The solar cell, also known as the Photovoltaic cell, has the ability to convert light into electricity. Due to the difficulty in manufacturing, they are used as the last resort to obtain electricity.
It is only a ‘series’ of solar cells that can generate adequate electricity. The concept of the cells being ‘in series’, refers to the connection of attaching them together, in order of their positive and negative terminals together.
With the batteries joined together in this way, what we get is the sum of all the individual battery voltages.
Attach the alligator clips of your insulated jumper leads to the positive and negative ends of the solar cell to your hobby motor.
Remember that the experiment has to be carried out in a sunny setting. You can use the wooden blocks that you have behind the cells, so as to tilt them as they face the sun.
Now add another two cells in series to the first cell. Again, note the movement of your motor. Did the speed increase? Repeat the experiment on a cloudy day to see if there are any changes in the way your motor spins. After all, remember that the entire experiment primarily depends on the sun. You can also create the darkened situation artificially, by carrying out the experiment next to a window with curtains.