Science Project on “Surface of The Moon”, Project Experiment Topics on Outer Space for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Surface of The Moon
Materials Required:
- Two large bowls
- Wax paper
- Adhesive tape
- Flour
- Water
- Strips of newspaper
- Modelling clay
- A flat stick
- A toothpick
Moon does not have an atmosphere of its own. Due to the absence of air or water on the moon, there is obviously no weather or erosion on the moon.
Consequently, the surface of the moon differs considerably from the surface of the earth.
Create a model which should display the various features of the moon. Make sure that you include seas, craters, rays, rills and the like.
To complete the model, upturn a large bowl and cover it with wax paper. Remember, to tape your wax paper together, so that you protect your landscape.
This bowl will serve as the mold for the base of your lunar model.
Now to make the paper-mache base, produce some sticky paste by mixing flour and water together. Keep stirring and diluting it, till the paste is smooth and easy to work with.
Keeping adding either flour or water, depending on the texture of your mixture.
Now strip one-inch wide short strips of newspapers and place them in the mixture. Developing a criss-cross pattern, keep placing these strips over the whole bowl. Let this whole thing dry for a couple of days and then add another layer and repeat the process.
When this is dry, cover the whole dome with modeling clay. Toothpicks can be used to help make various structures. You can also make various models of the moon’s various features, rather than an exact replica of the whole moon.
The Moon
The Moon is our nearest neighbour in space and a natural satellite. It was believed earlier that the Moon was a piece of the Earth which broke away billions of years ago. Today the astronomers believe that both the Earth and Moon were formed from the same cloud of dust close to 5 billion years ago. The Moon is located 3,84,400 kms away from us, it has a diameter of 2,160 miles and takes 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes to complete one orbit around the Earth. It has a surface gravity which is 1/6th of the Earth. Since it has no atmosphere, the temperatures on the Moon vary from 115° centigrade to —160° centigrade. It is a desolate place with no plants or life of any type. The black spots we see on the Moon are huge craters formed either due to volcanic activity or due to impact from outer space. Neil Armstrong along with Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins was the first man to visit the Moon in July 1969.