Science Project on “Planetary Years”, Project Experiment Topics on Outer Space for Class 8, 9, 10 and 12 Students.
Planetary Years
Materials Required:
- Nine different colours of yarn
- Scissors
- Masking tape
- A long wall
- Research books
- Paper and pencil
The length of a year depends from planet to planet. The time in which the earth revolves round the sun, is known as one earth year. Since the orbits of different planets are larger and further away from the sun, it naturally takes more time to cover the sun.
You can research, as to how much time all planets in the solar system take to revolve round the sun. You can also find out each planet’s year in earth time. Like Mercury takes only around 88 earth days to complete a revolution round the sun, whereas Pluto takes close to 247.5 earth years!
With the help of 9 different colours of yarn, choose different colours for each planet. The length of the yarn can decipher how much time it will take for each planet to rotate round the sun.
You can designate one inch as one month. Therefore, Mercury’s orbit will be around 3 inches, while Pluto’s will be 2,970 inches long.
You should tape these yarn pieces to the wall. Remember that some of these yarn pieces will be so long, that you may have to fold them back. Label each yarn by writing down the name of the planet and also the length of its revolution. You can also add other information about the planets, to make your graffiti look even better. Neptune • Pluto