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Reply Letter to a friend to sort out the misunderstanding.

Reply Letter to a friend to sort out the misunderstanding.

Dear Sushil,

Going through your letter I realised that it was very mature of you to write to me and very imbecile of me to react the way I did. Yaar, I really feel bad about my mis-conduct. At least I should have informed you that I was in Delhi. I’m sure that in our friendship you are more mature whereas I’m more childish in my outlook. But at the same time I am extremely happy to know what you are coming to Kolkata. Why don’t you bring your wife Ualso? It willbe a great get-together. I still relish Bhabhi’s cooking, and when we can visit all those places in Kolkata where we spent our adolescence which can be termed “A trip to Memory Lane”. I am eagerly looking forward to your arrival in the city. And as the saying goes on “Let Bygones by Bygones.”

Yours Only,



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