Paragraph on “How do waves erode cliffs?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
How do waves erode cliffs?
The wind blowing over sea produces waves. These waves pound all around our coastline. They can wear, or erode even the hard rocks in cliffs, but this takes a very long time. There are two main ways in which this erosion occurs. The cliffs are not smooth but have lots of holes and crevices in them. When the waves pound against the cliffs, the air in the holes is pushed into a smaller space or compressed. The compressed air pushes back on the water and the rock. This force on the rocks will eventually cause the holes or crevices to get bigger.
The cliffs may also be eroded by the bits of rock and pebbles which are carried by the waves. These are thrown against the cliffs with great force and rub against the rock.
In these ways the bottom part of the cliff which is pounded by the waves is worn away and large holes or caves may appear. These gradually get bigger until the rock above them collapses. The waves then start pounding against the new cliff surface.