Paragraph on “How do male penguins help to look after the eggs?” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
How do male penguins help to look after the eggs?
Not all birds build nests for their young at breeding time, and the emperor penguin, which lives at the South Pole, is one of them. The female emperor, the largest of the penguin family, at about 107 cm (42 in) high, lays her one egg onto the snow or ice, then the male immediately rolls it onto his feet with the aid of his beak, and tucks it beneath a fold of his own skin and a thick warm down. This is very much like a little pouch, although the egg is under the protective covering rather than inside it.
He then joins a group of other male penguins with the same burden on their feet and they stay standing together, for added protection and warmth, for about two months or until the chicks hatch out. Penguins do not fly, and have an amusing waddling walk on land because of their short thick legs, set far back. But they spend most of their life in the sea where they are extremely agile and graceful, swimming and diving with as much beauty as a dolphin or a porpoise.