Paragraph on “Achievements of the Elizabethan Age” complete paragraph for Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12
Achievements of the Elizabethan Age
Elizabeth I gave England the strong government which it had lacked since the death of her father, Henry VIII, in 1547. Her policy was marked by moderation and caution in all things. By firmly establishing the Church of
England, with herself at its head, she found a solution to the religious problem which satisfied the majority of her subjects.
In her relations with foreign countries she sought to avoid conflict. Elizabeth was determined that England should enjoy both peace and prosperity, and this meant the encouragement of trade. The fleet was reorganised and companies were founded to explore markets in such distant places as Russia, Persia, West Africa and the West Indies. At home old industries were modernised and new ones founded. England became the chief centre for the manufacture of wool, but efforts to expand trade with the Nether-lands and Spanish America brought increasing rivalry with Spain.
Elizabeth helped the Netherlands in their rebellion against Philip II of Spain and he in turn encouraged Roman Catholic conspiracies in England against Elizabeth. Matters came to a head when Elizabeth agreed —although reluctantly — to the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, who had plotted against her.
In 1588 Philip of Spain sent his great Armada of ships against England, but the Spanish fleet was destroyed by the superior seamanship of the English sailors and storms in the North Sea. The victory over Spain ushered in the ‘golden age’ of Elizabeth’s reign. The exploits of Sir Francis Drake, Sir John Hawkins and Sir Walter Raleigh who roamed the oceans in search of new lands and new wealth, made England famous. Those who had benefited from the country’s growing prosperity built themselves fine houses in a characteristically English style of architecture. Above all it was a period of great literature, with the plays of Shakespeare, Marlowe and Jonson, and the poetry of Spencer. When Elizabeth died in March 1603 she was greatly mourned by her subjects.