Letter to Editor regarding pollution due to two and three-wheelers.

Letter to Editor regarding pollution due to two and three-wheelers. Sir, This is to draw your kind attention about the pollution which is ever-increasing and spreading tentacles of asthma and other respiratory problems. The government should not turn a blind- eye to smoke emanated by the two-wheelers and especially the three-wheelers, which virtually burn the eyes to a near blindness. These vehicles are openly flouting the traffic pollution rules while the...
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Letter regarding too much importance on “Cricket Betting”.

Letter regarding too much importance on “Cricket Betting”. Sir, As a responsible citizen of this country, where cricket is a way of life and cricketers are considered to be “National Heroes”; I find it very ridiculous and disgusting that the media is overplaying its role in the case of “Cricket-betting”. Since the last month, cricket headlines have covered almost all the newspapers, thereby neglecting such a calamity like a drought which...
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Letter regarding the increasing crime rate.

Letter regarding the increasing crime rate. Sir, This is to draw your kind attention to the headlines and the third page of your newspaper carrying the crime news in the city. The rate at which crime is increasing is quite alarming. Abductions and rapes seem to have become the order of the day. It is quite baffling that inspite of the security measures taken up by the government, there appears to...
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Letter regarding rash driving and breaking of traffic rules.

Letter regarding rash driving and breaking of traffic rules. Sir, Through the columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of Delhi Police regarding reckless driving and jumping of red lights. The latter case is quite apparent in the early morning hours, when the traffic flow is less as also in the late evenings. This sometimes led to road mishaps which could otherwise be avoided. Moreover, with the...
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Letter regarding frequent power-cuts.

Letter regarding frequent power-cuts. Sir, Every summer the residents of Delhi have to bear the brunt of power cuts, which range from two to six hours a day and can worsen to eight hours at times. It is a matter of regret that inspite of several meetings and measures by the Delhi Vidyut Board, the condition remains pathetic, causing a lot of heartburn to the residents of that locality. As a...
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Letter regarding the vulgar films screened in the hall.

Letter regarding the vulgar films screened in the hall. Sir, This is to draw your kind attention towards the obscene films which are screened in the various theatres in Delhi. The screening of such films has an adverse effect on the student community, who form the major chunk of the viewers. In fact, most of these films carry an ‘A’ certificate, which prohibits adolescent viewers, but the theatre owners flout the...
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Write a letter to the newspaper about the commercialisation of education.

Write a letter to the newspaper about the commercialisation of education. Sir, I would like to draw your attention towards the mushroom growth of institutes in Delhi. This is quite apparent in West Delhi, where every Tom, Dick, Harry is starting an education center without any proper infrastructure and proper facilities. The same can be said about the schools. This has led to crass commercialisation of education, where a student is...
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Letter to a son staying abroad, asking him to fly back.

Letter to a son staying abroad, asking him to fly back. To, My Loving Ambani Mississippi (U.S.A.) Dear Ani, how’s your job going on? Of late, your correspondence has come down as you are quite busy, I presume. I have now been more than two years since you are out of home and everyone here including your mother, sister, and wife is missing you badly. No doubt you are earning a...
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