CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 22

  GRADUATION   Situation: Annie met Liz after she had purchased a graduation gift for her sister Veronica. Both of them are talking about the graduation ceremony and Veronica’s plan of action after finishing four years of studies. Liz: That is a very lovely bouquet of flowers. Who is it for? Annie: These flowers are for my sister Veronica. Today is her graduation day. Liz: It must have cost you a fortune. Annie:...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 21

  BOOK CONVERSATION   Situation: Lisa is talking to Jackie about the author, John Grisham, and his books.   Lisa: Hey Jackie, how are you doing today? Jackie: I am good! I just got out of my psychology lecture. It was so boring! I am glad I am done for the day. How are you doing? Did you just get out of class too? Lisa: No, I have been out of class...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 20

  STUDYING FOR A TEST   Situation: Two college students, Mary and Alexis, are studying for an upcoming sociology test. Mary: Hey Alexis, I am glad you decided to come over to my house to study for our upcoming exam. The sociology test seems to be very difficult. I have studied all the materials, but I am still not confident about my performance this Friday. Alexis: Yes, this test is going to be...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 19

  GIVING A SPEECH   Situation: Jennifer is going to give a speech on Global Warming, and she is quite nervous about the whole process. Mary is trying to calm Jennifer down by giving her some tips on how to deliver a good speech. Jennifer: I will have to give a presentation on global warming on Friday, and I am so nervous. Mary: There are a lot of things you can do to...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 18

  APPLYING TO COLLEGE   Situation: Charlotte and Michael have just finished taking the SAT test and are talking about it. They also discuss the next steps of the process of applying for college. Michael: That test was so long! Four hours! I really do not understand why we have to take this test anyway. Are our grade point averages (GPAs) not good enough for college? Charlotte: That test did seem long, didn’t...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 17

  MEETING PEOPLE   Situation: A seminar on Management is held at the Hilton hotel. Tom and Ana are among the many attendants. They try to strike a conversation during break-time. Tom: Hi, I am Tom. Ana: I am Ana. Tom: This is a pretty good seminar so far, huh? Ana: Yes, I like it. Prentice Hall always delivers good seminars. All of its speakers are very well-known and also very knowledgeable in...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 16

  PROMOTION   Situation: Tom was just promoted to a managerial position, and he is concerned about the fact that he has never managed people before. Lucy is trying to reassure Tom that he will be doing fine in the new position. Tom: I have really good news today. Oh! I am so happy. Lucy: What is your good news, Tom? Tom: I got a promotion today. You are looking at the new...
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CBSE Assessment of Speaking and Listening ASL, New Task and Speaking Test Examples (ASL) with conversation and Questions and Answers for Class 10 and Class 11. Test No 15

  CHANGING A CUSTOMER’S ORDER   Situation: Jane just received a new purchase order from one of the customers. She tries to discuss the necessary actions with Lynn. Jane: Lynn, please come to my office. I just received a revised purchase order from one of our customers. Lynn: I am here. Jane: Lynn, remember the order we received from Colors House two weeks ago? Lynn: The one for a lot of 500 oak...
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