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NSQF Practical Guidelines and Project 2018 of “Food Production-IV “(735)” for Class 12 CBSE


Practical Guidelines




The Minimum number of marks required to pass in each subject is (33) percent in the written papers and practical examination.

2.)Marks for record, Viva Project etc., in respect of Senior School Certificate Examination:

Marks allotted for laboratory Record, Viva Voice etc., should be separately stated in the answer book (if answer-Books are used) and added to the marks given for other items. The projects and the practical records, duly punched should be returned to the students concerned immediately after evaluation.

3.)Assessment of performance.

  • The two examiners, one internal and the other external may be assigned for the conduct and assessment of Practical Examinations each in Senior Secondary School Curriculum. Question for the viva examinations should be conducted by both the examiners. Question to be more of General nature, project work or the curriculum. Investigatory Project especially those that show considerable amount of effort and originality, on the part of the student, should get suitable high marks, while project of a routine or stereotyped nature should only receive MEDIOCRE marks.

  • In the assessment and award of marks, follow strictly the marking Scheme which is given in the list of practical I.e. provided to the Examiners/Schools at the time of Examination.

  • Every effort should be made to reach a consensus on the marks to be awarded to individual candidates. If a difference of one or two marks still persists even after discussion the average marks should be awarded.

  • If irregularities are perceived by either examiner in the conduct of the Practical Examination these should be included in the examiner’s report and should be sent to the Asstt. Secretary (A.B. Cell) within three days after the end of practical examination.

  • The external examiner should assume responsibility of deposit of answer books\ & award list to the Board.

  • Award lists should be signed by both the examiners and should be sent separately through messenger/personally in a double sealed cover and not mixed with the Answer-books. The answer-books can be delivered personally in the Board’s office.

  • The related material will be collected by the external examiner from the allotted schools.
  • 4.Procedure for Assessment of practical work in Food Production.

(Marks for practical 40)

 Food Production practical has been emerging as an interesting and a practical approach to understand theory, through analytical and logical thinking. It also improves presentation and communication skills. Keeping this in mind the following guidelines has been framed to bring about uniformity and reward creative skills among students.

Practical Activity- (20 marks)

Prepare a meal with the following courses

  1. i) One cereal
  2. ii) One main course with gravy

iii) One vegetable

  1. iv) One sweet

(Activity question can be created by both external and internal examiner, to be conducted on the day of practical exam)

Note : ASSESMENT OF EACH DISH may be on the basis of

Presentation of the dish

Table setting



  1. Uniform and grooming must be checked by the examiners before the examination.
  2. File should be submitted before the practical and should be pierced before returning it to the students.

Sample of Viva based on Practical- 05 marks

  1. How did you make this dish?
  2. What precautions would you keep in mind while making sugar syrup ?
  3. How do you blanch vegetables?
  4. Name the nutrients rich in this dish.
  5. What is a cover?
  6. Where would you place a dessert spoon in a cover?
  7. Any other

The examiner conducting the final practical examination may ask verbal questions related to the practical done by the student.

Practical File -05 marks

  • The Examiner in charge of conducting practical may assign practical activities to the students as per the curriculum given below.
  • Students are required to prepare a practical file as per the curriculum and instructions of the subject teacher.
  • Practical file should have 20 menus as given in the manual


Demonstration of skill competency via Lab Activities (10 marks)

  1. Indent sheet* /Procurement of ingredients * – 05 marks
  • Indent sheet can be filled before the exam for procurement of ingredients for the practical exam ( for not more than 4 portions ) (Sample of indent sheet given ( refer to class XII guidelines )

  1. Plan of work** / Write the recipe of main course / – 05 marks
  • Plan of work should be according to the practical activity. Sample of plan of work has been given.

Record of Marks in the Practical answer-books

The marks for the practical will be assessed by the internal & external examiners through, a well planned rubric, keeping in view the core content, quality of the practical and presentation of work.

The examiner will indicate separately marks of practical examination on the title page of the answer-books under the following heads:-

  1. Practical Activity

Prepare a meal with the following courses

i)One cereal

ii)One main course with gravy

iii)One vegetable dish

iv)One sweet

20 Marks

  1. Viva 5 marks
  2. File 5 marks
  3. Demonstration of skill competency via lab activities

i). Indent sheet*/procurement of ingredients                                                                           5 marks

ii). Plan of work**/ Write recipe of main dish                                                                5 marks

TOTAL                                                                                                                        40 marks



  1. Enter the kitchen ensuring personal hygiene ( with apron , head cap and a duster)
  2. Collect all the ingredients as per the above dishes in the menu .
  3. Separate the ingredients as per the dishes .

Note: Start with the dish that takes maximum time or that needs to be served chilled.

Mise- en- place

  1. Soak chick peas overnight and pressure cook with spices
  2. Curdle milk for chenna and hang it to drain
  3. Peel and chop ginger garlic for saag and chole
  4. Wash and chop mustard leaves and bathua and onion
  5. cook mustard leaves and bathua and cool
  6. Grind mustard leaves and bathua
  7. Grate khoya and chenna and mash till smooth and make balls
  8. Make sugar syrup
  9. Soak rice
  10. Grate and mash panner and add spices,make balls and fry .


  1. Fry gulab jamun balls and soak in sugar syrup
  2. Sauté ginger garlic and onion and green chillies
  3. sauté saag.
  4. Sauté chick peas and garnish.
  5. Boil rice and sauté and garnish with paneer balls



  1. Lay out the cover as per the requirements of the dish or prepare the service trolley./tray
  2. Wind up and clean utensils and sink .
  3. Leave the work station, gas and kitchen area absolutely clean .



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