List of Important Descriptive and Narrative Essays for Class 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12, Competitive Examinations
List of Important Descriptive and Narrative Essays
1) On Footpath Shopping.
2) Humour – the Spice of Life.
3) A Week at a Hill-station.
4) Adventures with an old Umbrella.
5) On Watching a Fashion Parade.
6) A Day on the Moon.
7) On a Boring Film.
8) A Visit to a Book-stall.
9) My Best Friend.
10) Grandmother’s Stories.
11) Last-minute Reading for the Examination.
12) On a Neighbour who talks too much.
13) On living in a Cottage on the Seashore.
14) The Teachers I Remember Most. (1969 March)
15) A Bus Strike.
16) The Most Exciting Incident in my Life.
17) A Nocturnal Adventure.
18) The Stories I read as a Child.
19) An Hour at a Railway Station.
20) Travelling by a Bullock-cart.
21) An Enjoyable Week-end.
22) Experiences at a Village Fair.
23) On Looking back at my First Year in School.
24) A Visit to a Zoo.
25) A Visit to a Post-office.
26) My Dog.
27) A School Get-together.
28) Scenes during a School Recess.
29) Half-an-hour in a School Canteen.
30) My most wonderful Dream.
31) A Visit to an Air-port.
32) A Motor-car Accident.
33) A Street Fight.
34) A House on Fire.
35) An Hour in a Bazaar.
36) A Day in the Life of a Film Star.
37) A Visit to a Museum.
38) A Journey by Bus.
39) Third-class Railway Travel.
40) Ghosts and Ghost Stories.
41) A Villager’s first Visit to a City.
42) A Visit to a Toy-shop.
43) My First Visit to a Village.
44) The Fun of cooking a Meal.
45) Adventures can a Walking Tour.
46) A Flight by Aeroplane.
47) A Day in the Life of a Fisher-man.
48) A Day in the Life of a Cobbler.
49) The Charm of Detective Stories. (1970 March)
50) People I used to meet on my Way to and from School.
51) The Day I Remember most vividly, (1965 October)
52) The Temple I like most.
53) A Visit to a Historical Place of Importance.
54) What I have learnt from Gandhiji’s Life.
55) Dangerous Professions.
56) The Pleasure of making Things for Oneself.
57) The Most Unpleasant Experience I have ever had.
58) A Public Meeting I attended.
59) Scenes at a Cinema Theatre.
60) A Visit to a Mad House.
September 3, 2019 evirtualguru_ajaygourEnglish (Sr. Secondary), LanguagesNo Comment English 10, English 12, English Essay Class 10 & 12, English Essay Graduation

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