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List of 15 Important Business Letters. Business Letters for Class 9, 10, 12 and Competitive Examinations.
List of 15 Important Business Letters
- Write to a customer a satisfactory letter about an item not in stock.
- Write a letter to a radio-dealer. Make a complaint about a set recently bought by you.
- Write a letter to a garage proprietor who has sent you an exorbitant bill for repairs.
- Write a letter to a business firm, pointing out that an account they have sent you has already been settled.
- Write a letter to a firm of Estate Agents, telling them that you wish to buy a house in the country, but within 10 miles of your town/city, and asking them to let you know of any suitable properties they have on their books.
- To your Customers. Draft a circular drawing their attention to your new stocks of ball-point pens.
- Write a letter to an electric company, asking for an estimate of the cost of installing electric light in your house.
- Write a letter to a hotel owner at a hill-resort, inquiring about charges and stating accommodation needed.
- An automobile concern in a big city is supplying foreign spare parts to smaller concerns in the districts. He writes a letter to an upcountry concern, regretting his inability to execute an order for certain spare parts and explaining his reasons.
- Write a letter to an Agency asking for particulars of a Kashmir tour they are advertising for students.
- Write a letter applying for the sole agency of an electric fan.
- Write a letter to a business firm, complaining that certain articles ordered by you have been received in a damaged condition.
- Suppose you are a Life Insurance Agent. Write to a friend, pointing out the benefits of taking out a life policy.
- Send the last reminder to a customer for a bill overdue, and threaten to take steps unless it is paid by a certain date.
- You are a retail shopkeeper dealing in cigarettes. Send an order for goods to a wholesaler, and explain how the goods are to be sent and the payment made.