Letter to younger brother advising him to take part in games, informal letter for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduate Classes
Letter to younger brother advising him to take part in games.
69 Balden Street
Pahari Dhiraj,
New Delhi
December 15
My dear Brother
I received the report of your home examination from your school Principal yesterday. I’m glad to learn that you stand first in all the subjects.
Still, I’m not particularly happy. It is because your photograph affixed on the report displays your hollow cheeks. Your friends have also told me that you are a bookworm and don’t play any games.
Dear Anil, this way you’ll spoil your health and even life. You must take part in one or the other game. Games ensure health, happiness and greater concentration on work besides other benefits.
Please write to me which game you want to play. Please don’t just tell me but start playing it.
Love from father and mother.
Yours affectionately