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Formal Letter example “Letter to Principal, Concerning Son’s Career” English Letter Writing

Letter to Principal, Concerning Son’s Career


The Principal,

Jagat Convent School,                                        

Bhera Enclave,

Paschim Viahr ,                                                     

New Delhi                                                           


22nd May, 2014

Dear Sir,

I should be most grateful if you could spare me a few minutes to discuss the problem of Rajesh’s Future Career. If, as we hope, he gains a School Certificate this summer we propose that he  should leave school.

The difficulty lies in the fact that Rajesh seems quite unable to determine the career in life he would like to follow. I had always hoped that he would follow me in our little family grocery business, but, as he seems opposed to this, I have never pressed the point.

I am free to call on you at any time convenient to yourself. I am very grateful to you and staff for all the interest you have taken Rajesh. We were particularly delighted to learn that he was awarded his House cricket Colours.

Yours very truly,

Tilak Raj


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