Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves ” Complete Essay for Class 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, Graduation classes.
God Helps Those Who Help Themselves
This proverb underlines the importance of self-help in life. It teaches us the lesson of self-reliance. Those who make self-efforts alone are blessed by God. Those who sit idle, lose God’s grace. God has given us hands. We must make proper use of them. We must give up laziness. Those who believe in fate lose self-confidence. Men can overcome any difficulty of life by their own strength. Those who look to others for help become weak. Honest labour never goes unrewarded. God blesses those who make use of their own resources. They play their part and leave the rest to God. He watches us from above. Each gets the fruit of his labour. Only hard working people make memorable achievements. Those who remain idle do not achieve anything worthwhile. Society has no use for them. They should remember that God helps those who help themselves.