Essay, Paragraph, Speech on “From the Sublime to the Ridiculous is But One Step” Complete English Essay for Class 8, 9, 10, 12 Students.
From the Sublime to the Ridiculous is But One Step
We consider wisdom and nonsense as mutually incompatible concepts which arouse diametrically opposite emotions in us. But in reality, they may be very close to each other and more or less evenly balanced. It may be assumed that they are separated by a very thin notional line which can at times be breached, thereby confusing the distinction between them. Hence, unless we are very careful, such confusions will force us into wrong decisions which may push us off our course. The thought of this possibility should preferably govern all our actions always. Treading the path of wisdom and sanity, which all of us wish to do. is indeed a difficult task, because, even a single mistaken step may mean a slip into the domain of stupidity. Since as human beings, we often err, all what we can do is to be sensitive and alert to our instincts, to ensure that no mistakes are made as far as possible, and in the case of the mistakes we make, to rectify them with little delay, and preferably, little damage to our activities.
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