Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Universal Human Rights” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Universal Human Rights
We hear a lot about human rights the negative way, the way these rights are being denied, abused and compromised in India and in almost every other country subtly or overtly. Thanks to awareness, the proliferation of laws, the setting up of watch dog commissions and the prying eyes of all powerful media, abuses and violations of human rights are being exposed and the guilty pulled by the scruff of theft necks and brought on to the flash-light of the stage. All the same, though born free man is bound in chains almost everywhere even in the New Millennium. Millions around the world are still denied human rights Children, women aids victims, bonded labour, live in country under iron dictatorship. There are billions of people affected by poverty and scarcity struggling to stay alive; people are subjected to the violence and custodial deaths and women subjected to rape. Girls are denied the right to be born through the heinous practice of foeticide. The litany of woes of human being is endless. What are their human rights ? One of the great achievement of United nations was the adoption of Universal Human Rights Declaration on December 1948. The Declaration proclaimed the declaration to be a common standard for all the people and all nations. It called upon member states to promote and secure the effective recognition and observance of the rights and freedom set forth in the declaration. Accordingly December 10 is observed as Human Rights Day every year in almost in every country.
Art 1 to 2—Right to Freedom and Dignity
Articles 1 and 2 of the declaration state that all human beings are born equal in dignity and rights and entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in Declaration with out distinction of any kind, such as race, colour language, religion, political opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”
Art 3 to 21—Political and Civil Rights
Article 3 to 21 of the declaration set forth the civil and political rights to which all human beings are entitled to including the right to life, liberty and security of persons, freedom from slavery and servitude, freedom from torture or cruelty, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment the right to recognition, everywhere a person has before the law; the right to an effective judicial remedy, freedom from arbitrary arrest, detention or exile. The right to fair trial and public hearing by an independent and important tribunal and the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty.
The universal declaration of Human Rights provides for several other rights like the right of freedom of movement, the right of asylum, right to a nationality; the right to marry; to have a family and own property; freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression. And the right of peaceful Assembly and Association.
Art 22 to 27—Social, Economic and Cultural Rights
Article 22 to 27 of the Declaration set forth the economic, social and cultural rights the human beings are entitled to. The right to work, the right to form and join trade unions, the right to rest and leisure, the right to a standard living adequate for health and well being, the right to education and the right to participate in the cultural life of community.
The world conference on Human Rights was held in Vienna i.e. in June 1993 and it established the Right to Development treating the human beings as the subject of development. It call upon the international community to make all efforts to help countries in order to supplement the efforts of the governments of such country to attain the full realisation of the economic, social and cultural rights of their people. For the first time the UN recognised terrorism is a threat to human rights. The Vienna Conference said ‘The acts, methods and practice of terrorism in all its forms and manifestation as well as linkage in some countries to drug-trafficking are activities aimed at the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and democracy etc.”
The world conference said that the human rights to women and of the girl child are integral and indivisible part of universal human rights. The full and equal participation of women in political, civil, economic, social and cultural life at the national, regional and international levels are essential to fulfill our commitment to women. On the eradication of all forms of discrimination on grounds of sex are priority objectives of the international community.
The Setting up of the National Human Rights Commission
India set up the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in October 1993 almost a decade ago. The commission has intervened in several cases of human rights violations. The service rendered by Human Rights Commission, a few State Rights Commission, the National Women’s Commission have been highly commendable. They have come to the rescue of hundreds of victims of social, state, custodial and other forms of violence.
The NHRC has covered the entire gamut of human rights violation. For instance, it directed all state government a few years ago to report on the state of affairs in custodial homes. After it received reports of sexual and sexual abuse.
There is no doubt that India can be proud of the great constitution which has provided a place for Fundamental Rights and of the laws made from time to time to safeguard the rights of all individuals. Yet the fact remains that there is gender-based violence and all forms of sexual harassment and exploitation. The fact that women that constitute a nearly fifty percent of our population are deprived of the basic human rights from cradle to the grave. We treat women virtually as second class citizens.
And what about children ? We have the highest infant mortality, maternal mortality and child mortality rates in the world. The fact that we have the largest number of illiterate in the world would show that the right to education is more of a slogan than a reality.
Does an under trial get a basic justice. He spends more time behind bars than a convict for his petty crime would warrant. And prisons across the country ever crowded with under trials wait for trial and justice for years. In the end they often become hardened criminal when in contact with such element in jails. Do we reform them or convert them to lead an anti-social life. The world conference on Human Rights held in Veinna affirmind that extreme poverty and social exclusion constitute violation of human dignity and the urgent steps are necessary to bring them into mainstream by removing poverty. Indisputably millions who belong to families below poverty line (BPL) are obviously not enjoying human rights; Human Rights and poverty do not go together; child labour and human rights do not go together. The bright picture of human rights will emerge only when we try to eliminate several cultural cobwebs and erase the socio-economic dividing line.