Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “The Great American Dream ” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
The Great American Dream
The American Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal and they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights” including “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The great American dream to John Winthrop was religious paradise in a “City upon a Hill” while to Martin Luther King, Jr. it was “racial equality.” The great American dream is essentially about providing American people with social stability in which everyone irrespective of his or her ability, sex, race, language, and creed has equal opportunity to reach his or her potential. It is the pursuit of perfection, the pursuit of excellence.
The great American dream, has changed over a period of years but one thing consistent is the quest for more that remains fairly acquisition of the American dollars after all translates green power- the into economic independence. In a co known for its capitalist virtue, the great American dream has watered down to the ability to purchase a big home and a fancy car- the two things that ascertain how was successful one is. When the great American dream ca first envisaged the means to the end used to be hard work, dedication and a will to achieve. Today, it is about easy money. Today, the means is either winning a television game show, a lottery ticket or worse still a rewarding lawsuit.
Yet, even in these days you have many immigrants clamoring to make it to grants American soil. The great American dream still holds its charm. The world believes that America still is the land of opportunity where you have not just the right to dream but the right to achieve those dreams and so the great American dream lives on.