Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Science in the Service of Man” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Science in the Service of Man
Essay No. 01
Facsimile (Fax)—Facsimile transfer of messages i.e. is used for transmission of weather charts, engineering drawing and even hand written notes. It transfers copies of any types of document written in any language and in any script with a great speed. The Fax employs a photo-scanning process to obtain its electrical signals which are then transmitted through the communication channels at the receiver end, the message is automatically printed on a laser printer. The equipment in which the document is placed is called POTS.
Pager—It provides one way wireless communication to the wandering users. In this system, the messages are sent to the subscribers which consist of a small receiver. The messages that can be sent are of three types.
(a) Only ton beep is given
(b) Numeric message—in which the telephone number of the cellar is transmitted to the subscriber (i.e. receiver) and
(c) Alpha-numeric message in which the message in alphabets numerals is transmitted. The cellar calls the base station (B.S.) and gives them message and destination cellphone or pager number. The base station then sends the message to page subscriber through wireless technology. The receiver units responds to a short burst of coded signals of beeping and activating a vibrator to indicate that he is wanted.
LASER—The name LASER is an acronym for light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. A Laser is an electric apparatus for producing unified light waves that can be exactly controlled, precisely focussed and when desired made extremely powerful. It can be aimed precisely enough to destroy dangerous skin tumours without affecting healthy skin tissue. Laser light has certain remarkable properties which make it chromatic, for example, a red laser beam has only red light. Laser is very coherent and can be transmitted over great distances, without the beam spreading. It also has the advantage that a lot of power is concentrated in a very small area. Sunlight electric light and the light from a candle is incoherent. It is a jumble of different wave length and brightness in what seems to a steady light emitted in every direction. To produce a coherent beam, the original light has to be coherent and that is what a laser does.
Initially, the lasers used rubycrystals and were not very powerful, fairly expensive and unwieldy. The present day lasers come in all sizes ranging from the micro-lasers to the huge lasers used for fusion research.
Robotics—Robotics is the study of the design and use of robots (Czech; robot meaning compulsory service) i.e. the machine programmed to carry out a series of operations without human guidance. The word Robotics was invented by Isaac Asima. Industrial application of robots is favoured because of their untiring nature, predictability, precision, reliability and ability to work in relatively hostile environment. Besides robots frequently increase productivity, improve overall product of quality, allow replacement of human labour in monotonous and of course in hazardous task. Computer controlled robots are used in industry to do welding, assembling and machining and to handle various materials. Non-industrial applications of robots include marine space work bionomics, form work, helping the disabled, lab work, mining, nuclear work, security guarding simulation, warehouse, microsurgery etc.
Polymorphic Robot – Recently the scientist have developed a polymorphic robot, which can change its shape according to the job that it is assigned to. The thermoplastic framed robot is being developed by HodLipnn with Jordan Pollock. The basic idea is to assign the robot a particular task, and then a computer would attempt to design a specific body, which would facilitate the robot to meet this challenge with efficiency.
RADAR—Acronym for Radio Detecting and Ranging (RADAR)—a technique and apparatus for determining in the location of an object by the use of radio-waves. The most visible and ubiquitous aspects of radar are the rotating curved surface, antennas seen on the top of most ship and airport towers. Not visible but equally important are radar antennas hidden in the noses of aeroplanes.
It is a system employing microwaves for the purpose of locating identifying, navigating or guiding such objects as ships, aircrafts missiles or official satellites. It can determine the direction, distance, height and speed of objects that are not visible to the human eyes.
Application–Radar has a large variety of applications involving precise measurements of distances. Besides being used for navigating ships and aircrafts it is used for mapping stars and other meteorological disturbances, and studying planets and their moons or satellites. It is used for determining altitudes, aeroplane navigating in fogs and in the dark. A useful application of radar is for police speed trap. Here a special radar device is used which responds differently to the reflections from moving objects and stationary objects.
SONAR —Acronym for Sound Navigation and Ranging (SONAR)—a technique and apparatus for determining the location of an object by reflected sound-waves. In fact it is a system for detecting and locating submerged objects or communication underwater by transmitting high frequency sound wave and collecting the reflected wave. The Sonar principle is used to determine the depth of shallow bodies of water and to locate fish under water submarines. Initially developed as a military instrument for locating submarines, it is widely used for measuring water depth and in Arctic regions for measuring ice-thickness.
In Active Sonar pulses of high frequency (high pitched) sounds are beamed downwards and at angles from the bottom of a ship. The echoes are received by an apparatus that measures the time interval, then computers the distance and frictions of the reflecting object. This information is shown on a dial, or plotted automatically on a chart. Passive Sonar does not send out sounds. It detects sounds made by submarine engines or other sound producing objects.
Essay No. 02
Science in The Service of Man
Science has opened and enlarged new frontiers of human knowledge, information, achievement, comforts and conveniences. Now we have a window, large enough to peep into the hitherto unknown, dark and mysterious areas of nature in the form of modern science. This passage from ignorance to knowledge, from darkness to light, from superstitions and blind beliefs to scientific temper and rationality, has been a long struggle, full of strife, labour, sweat and challenges. But it is man’s nature to seek and face challenges and his destiny to overcome them.
Man’s endless thirst for knowledge and conquest has resulted in phenomenal advancement of science in each and every walk of life and so the modern age has rightly been christened as the Age of Science. Science means reasoning, analysis, objectivity and systematic study4of things. Science is very comprehensive, universal, all-inclusive, simple and yet very complex and so beyond the approach of a satisfying definition. It may not be defined but touches all of us at all the places and times. Its expression is universal, unambiguous and palpable and well understood by the educated people in most of the cases. People know that science has helped man to conquer time and space and the world has turned into a global village. Now, the moon is in the palm of his hand and planets are not too far off for his scrutiny and study. We have supersonic planes and will soon have hypersonic planes to enable us cover the distance between Tokyo and New York in just 2 hours. Satellite communication has ushered in instantaneous contact from one corner of the globe to another. Instant communication through cordless, cellular and mobile telephones, paging, and electronic mail, etc. are really wonderful. Then there are computers, which help retrieve any information you require from anywhere in the world. Satellites have also revolutionised our world of entertainment through dish and cable T.V. Science has completely changed the face of the earth and the outlook of man. So much so that if one of our forefathers were to come alive, he would not easily recognize either the place or his descendants. And the march along the path of progress, past milestones of achievements, is on in the vehicle of science. The ride is so wonderful, so pleasant and thrilling that it makes one forget his vital breath for a moment.
Life has become so easy, convenient and comfortable because of our scientific achievements. Science is a powerful weapon and it is up to man how he uses it. Science is neither a blessing nor a curse in itself. It is knowledge—pure, powerful, universal and absorbing—always at our service, command and bidding. Its aim is to serve sincerely but it is our prerogative to decide what service we ask science to render. Therefore, it is unwise to categorise science as evil or good.
Science has helped us in eradicating many diseases, which were fatal in the past, and in treating many others. Now transplantation of many vital organs is a common medical practice. As a result of many medical discoveries and inventions, man finds himself more safe, secure and his age lengthened. It is because of many scientific teachings and learning-aids that distant education is so popular, cheap and universal. Science has turned learning into a pleasure.
The wonders and achievements of science are too many. Take for example, the harnessing of nuclear energy. It has broadened the horizons of power to be used to run mills, factories, engines, railways, to light up homes and streets, to energise pump sets and tube wells, to smoothen earth-moving and mining work, to be used in irradiation, to preserve seafood and other food items and sterilization of medicines, to name only a few of the areas. There are many other areas which have immensely benefited by it. It is a great and inexhaustible power with huge potentialities.
Again, the world of scientific appliances is no less wonderful. Now man has more time because of these gadgets and conveniences. Science has helped man to leapfrog into a new, bold and wonderful world of fantastic achievements, comforts and conveniences. No doubt, the other side of the coin shows the darker visage of science. The misuse of science and its inventions has brought the entire humanity on the brink of destruction and annihilation. It has produced very dangerous weapons, like nuclear bombs, missiles, and fatal and poisonous nerve gases, etc., but again it needs to be underlined that science is neither good nor bad. It is knowledge; it is power, a boon and gift, a key to unlock the secrets of nature. If we misuse it, we are to blame.