Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Prohibition – A Social Necessity” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Prohibition – A Social Necessity
The problem of prohibition is the most intricate one in the sense that the puritan wants to abolish it and the segment of the public preference for alcohol runs athwart. It is the matter of habit and habit dies hard. There has been a regular tussle between the public habit and the social intention.
Many times the prohibition has been introduced and many times it has been scrapped. e.g. in America it was introduced in the year 1923 but it flopped badly. A terrible bootlegging started which led to the reversion to the original form. In India too it was introduced in South in a state but it failed. The practice of alcoholism has been prevailing immemorial. It was a part of public habit.
In our age, industrialism gives rise to the habit of drinking. The fatigue caused by hard work creates a demand for it. It has been described in many ways by P.G. Wodehouse, the humorist of our time. It has been celebrated by him as the ’tissue restorer’ a concept quite different from the Tek Chand report where it has been described as something deadening the tissue. The poets have celebrated drinks in no moderate terms, but in extolling it to the skies. The habit of drinking goes along with affluence. The affluent countries like America, Britain, West Germany, France, and Japan do not frown upon the habit. In India the question of drinks is linked with state revenue. Whenever the prohibitionists clamour against alcohol they are stymied at the door of the amount equivalent to the revenue and the states have to think twice before they scrap it. It is almost an eternal question. The complete prohibition has never succeeded it has succeeded only partially.
Literature has seldom moral scruple with regard to wine. Pope says ‘To happy convents, bosomed deeps in wines. George Meredith favours an aged and great wine. It appears that the concept of moral confusing the issue needs reviewing once again. The concept of wine has been confused with women in the immoral context. It is always bad drinking which abuses the habit. The modern concept is that beer is good for the health. The red wine, cedar wood and sweet white wine is favoured in the west. In our country the larger section of society drinks `tharra’, condemned country-liquor.
The prohibition movement in India has been going on since the British rule. The Britishers, being realistic on approach towards the habit, did not view it seriously. Many experiments have been made with regard to it, but little success was made in that direction. Still the approach is being made through two ways, legislative and social opinion. The evil of drinking is exhibited through public posters and placards. The habit mostly prevails in two quarters: poor labourers and the affluent members of the society. With the rise of wealth and industrial progress the habit of drinking goes on increasing. It is with the habit of smoking. The smokers do not care much at the printing of danger on the pack. It seems to have little dent on the habit of the people. In the old age when the civilizations were dominated with the religious bias some rulers prohibited the habit of drinking.
India is imbibing ideas of the west and imitating it or we may say that the conditions have similarity now. Since the effect is same the cause must be same. However the social reforms are afoot and it may be hoped that someday the habit of drinking may be curbed to a certain extent; the total prohibition is fairly impossible to think. The habit is as ancient as the hills are. The love for drinking and smoking among the people will continue and the prohibitionist will keep continuing to strive to ban them.