Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Pollution Sources and Solutions” Complete Paragraph or Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Pollution Sources and Solutions
Nature has bestowed on us abundant resources. However, our entire process of development has been at the cost of natural resources, which we have exploited mercilessly. Now we are faced with the threat of total exhaustion of these finite natural resources, which have become indispensable for our development. This exploitation of the resources based on short goals, in an inefficient and wasteful manner then leads to depletion as well as degradation of the environment. Energy in different forms has been the prime mover of economic development. It is inevitable that our petroleum products consumption will increase and cutting their consumption would only be at the cost of development. Thus, to keep the consumption of petroleum products under control, it is imperative to utilise petroleum products efficiently. The overall seriousness and magnitude of pollution can be gauged from the following facts:
- According to a World Health Organisation (W.H.O.) report, Delhi, Calcutta and Mumbai rank fourth, sixth and thirteenth among the most polluted cities in the world.
- 2,000 metric tonnes of pollutants are dumped into the environment every day in Delhi.
- The deposit rate of load in the lungs of children is 2.7 times higher than in adults.
- A study revealed that petrol and diesel, worth Rs. 245 crores are wasted annually in the city, due to the frequent waiting of vehicles at traffic intersections.
- Up to 3 percent of the fuel consumed in industries is wasted because of inefficient and substandard equipment and appliances and Petroleum Conservation Research Association (P.C.R.A) is committed to this great task of promoting conservation of oil by its efficient use and minimizing wastage, leading to protection of the environment.
P.C.R.A.’s consistent efforts in all sectors have helped in minimising wasteful practise with the following aims.
- To create awareness about the importance, methods and benefits of conserving petroleum products.
- To promote research and development efforts for petroleum conservation in various sectors.
- To substitute petroleum products with alternatives.
- To promote environment protection by development of fuel efficient and green technologies for industrial and transport sectors.