Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Patriotism Today” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Patriotism Today
The Independence we enjoy today is because of the thousands of martyrs that sacrificed their lives for the country. Yet another Independence of us shower and make it in time for the flag some hoisting, stand for the 52 seconds it takes to recite the National Anthem and then go back home to our couches spending the entire day watching pirated DVDs. We are done with Patriotism for the year. After all there aren’t any British left to fight. It’s not our fault.
Patriotism means love and devotion for one’s country. It does not have to be a mass motive. Little things done with the intention of the good of the country and the best interests of your fellowmen are patriotic. We are quick to dawn our patriotic persona when there is an Indo-Pakistan cricket match or when terrorism hits us unawares but where is our patriotism when we are littering our roads, and breaking traffic rules? Where is patriotism when you foster terrorism by turning a blind eye? Where is it when you mutely watch child labor? Where is it when you are slipping a note under the table to a government employee?
Patriotism today means standing up for what is right. Patriotism isn’t just about fighting the enemy across the border, in today’s times it is about fighting the disease that is threatening to plague us ‘Self centredness’.