Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “India’s Contribution to World Wisdom” Complete Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
India’s Contribution to World Wisdom
Nearly 5000-6000 years ago, the Indian peninsula came alive, much before the birth of Jesus Christ. Our ancient scriptures, the Vedas, Puranas, Tripitakas, the Ashtadhyaya, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata have delved deeply into the causes of existence of man. They have also tried to delineate how a man should live, work create and finally leave this mortal world. The most intricate philosophies of life (and even death) were propounded by our sages and elite thinkers of the yore. They are relevant even today. The world recognises them. For example, the Germans translated the Sanskrit scriptures and the Vedas into the German language. They adopted the rationale and scientific wisdom from these scriptures and used this knowledge base to become an advanced economy.
New avenues and thoughts have been given to the thinkers and leaders of the world by Indian philosophies. Some philosophies like Advaita. Vaishnavism, Aria Samaj, Vedic Culture, Shaivism. etc. have followers even today and are attracting more fan followings from the West. However, the major philosophy that attracted the attention of the world was the one given by Lord Krishna. He gave sermon to Arjuna during the war of Mahabharata. He stated, “O Arjuna! You do your work (karma) with efficiency and zeal and leave the result (Pilate) to God.” This philosophy is the major landmark in the history of human civilisation. We all are humans with our sets of karma. We shall get good results for good karma and bad results for bad karma. Other religious faiths also approve of this age-old philosophy.
Towards the world wisdom, the second contribution of India is the philosophy of truth. Indian sages have always valued the power of truth. Guru Nanak, Mahatma Gandhi and Gautam Buddha have preached the virtues of being truthful and pure at heart. The third piece of wisdom contributed by India was the family wisdom and the closely knit society or sects. No other nation enjoys this chief characteristic of the mankind.
In India, family norms and social values are revered even in the twenty first century. The Western culture has made deep inroads into our culture but still we love and respect our parents, look after our children, take care of our siblings and are empathetic towards our society.
The Indian scientists also gave the laws of science and mathematics. We gave the modern numeral system (currently known as the Arabic numeral system) to the world. We Indians are responsible for the developments and researches carried out in the ancient era in the fields of astronomy, astrology, chemical sciences and medicine.
In Charaka Santhita, we can read the types of medicines and other pathological processes in vogue in those times. Bhaskar, the famous mathematician, lived in India during second century BC. His principles and philosophies are valid even today. Ayurveda, the trusted medical science developed by the rishis and sages of those times is thriving even today. Ayurvedic medicines are exported from India to the entire world. Some scientists have claimed that some preparations are able to cure even the terminal ailments like cancer!
In the fields of construction, urban development and perpetuation of civilisations also, the glaring proof of Indian wisdom can be seen. Dravidas, the residents of Indus Valley and the Aryans developed their own civilisations. The buildings, temples and urban layout of these civilisations can be seen even today. The archaeological remains at Harappa, Mohanjodaro, Kalibhangan, Dwarka (below the surface of the sea). Lothal and many places of Southern Indian prove that our ancestors were builders, architects and planners of highest order.
The Taj Mahal, the Jagannath Temple at Puri, the Red Fort, the Meenakshi Temple, the Harmandir Sahib, the Golconda Fort, etc. are the glaring examples in this context which demand close study. In terms of contents and size Indian literature and arts are also very rich. Our litterateurs, dancers and painters have given unique pieces of literature and art to the world. The world recognises our famous dances, art forms, sculptures and ancient literary works. These are our contributions to the mankind to ensure its sustained mental growth. Thus, in order to enhance the world wisdom, India can contribute in the fields of arts, sciences, architecture, literature, and spiritualism.