Essay, Paragraph or Speech on “Atheism” Complete English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.
Essay No. 01
The more obvious meaning of Atheism is the absence of conscious rejection of faith and belief in God or Gods. Atheists do not conform to the belief that we were created by God or that the entire Universe was created by God.
All religions believe that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-forgiving, and all-loving. These are the qualities that distinguish Gods from humans. Atheists argue that evil doesn’t just exist but abounds in this world and a God who is all-knowing would be aware of its existence and do something about it. After all, an all-powerful being would be able to eliminate evil and an all-loving being would want to put an end to the misery suffered by his people. The truth, however, is that evil continues to prevail, good men continue to die and the bad men walk around free. Hence, God does not exist. It is as simple as an algebraic equation.
Atheists believe that a universe is a huge place governed by natural laws that do not make allowances for either our desires or our sufferings.
Assuming that 9/11 happened to America because God wanted to teach the Americans a lesson, or that the Tsunami wiped out many Muslim-dominated areas is absurd. We may not be able to undo the past but we can take precautions that it does not repeat itself. So, instead of waiting for divine providence to intervene, we can and should do all in our power to make this world a better place. We are all in this together for better or for worse. We have to look out for each other. It is our moral duty when we see our brethren suffering to reach out to them the best we can. That is what Atheism is really about.
Essay No. 02
What is Atheism – let us try to understand. Atheism is the nonbeliever in God. An atheist is a person who does not believe in the existence of God. He thinks that god is a hoax, a farce, an aberration, a creation by the weak for their own protection. This is the attitude of an atheist for, he thinks that seeing believes, and so, what we cannot see we need not believe. There is no sense in believing in an apparition as it would be – God.
There is, I feel no harm in believing or not believing in God, but it is an atheist’s attitude of condescension that is uncalled for and objectionable. An atheist sees no one as great as himself or as much as a doer as himself. Together with this, when he firmly believes that seeing believes, and, when God is not a visible entity, he is no entity at all. This logic appears to be quite rational but there could be no one any more blind than a person who refuses to see, even though he has eyes. I’d say that such a person is not blind but, he is adamant and obstinate. He only uses rationale and logic to undermine the idea, but, where does his logic go, when the obvious face him?
Let us look around, towards any direction, to any distance; we will find God’s emissaries everywhere. The proof is in the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and the greenery and, above all, the miracle of the man himself. When it is so easy to see and recognize God, we continue to have arguments, holding discussions, and debates on the existence of God. How we can be foolish enough to question the existence of the one who is omnipresent for us to notice and feel. This blind attitude of the atheist is really beyond comprehension.
The very existence of the world we live in is living proof of the existence of God, what more do we need to see to give God a clean chit of His presence. I am sure that, at this juncture, the atheist — the man will certainly say that, the world we live in today is definitely not the creation of the Lord. The plea taken is that, did God create the amenities we all enjoy in this world today? Did God even come to teach us all that we have learned to do to make ourselves comfortable? No friends, God certainly did not make these items for our use, and, neither did he come
h us all this BUT — who gave man the computer of his brain, that has done so much to make life comfortable? This was certainly not man’s contribution. This was the gift of God
We talk of mechanization, doctors, engineers and so many more who have made all that we see but, from where did the raw material — the brain come? We talk of machines – yes, man has made great strides in making and the using of machines but, once again, may I ask my atheist friends, who gave the iron and steel, or the raw material for the making of these machines? When we read a book, we must at least sometimes, appreciate the author, and not forget him completely, for, if the author had not written the book, how would we enjoy it? We talk of gas, water power being used by the intelligence of man, yes but, once again, who gave us all these to be used, God. When we admire our achievements, we must never forget the giver of raw materials, without which we could not have achieved anything.
Let us for a moment think whether man created or if the man is capable of creating the raw materials he uses. Yes, man’s greatness lies in his ingenuity in using all these but could he has created all this? Man’s greatness lies in using all the gifts of God intelligently but, let us be clear in understanding that, the creator of all there is someone else – Who? That is for us to comprehend, visualize and understand.
Another aspect in which we see the existence of some power greater than that of man is in the occurrence of major natural calamities. Such calamities befall the earth off and on, why? Has not manned been able to keep a check on these in spite of all his scientific and technological knowledge? In spite of all man’s creativity, ingenuity, intelligence, and know-how, man has not been able to overpower these natural calamities. They come only to remind man and specially the atheist of the power, the real power that happens to be above and beyond our comprehension.
If the atheist has only one code of understanding that, only seeing is believing then, I’d ask him does he not see the waterfalls, the mountains, the beauty of the world, and the calamities, all in a package, from God, or at least from somewhere. Does he not see the hand of God in death of all that is living? Death occurs, even today, in these hi-tech days in spite of all medical advancements — why? This is because there is some power visible or invisible to people, who conducts all these programs of life and death. This power keeps the reins of final display in his hands and seems to exist in every nook and comer of the world, only as if waiting to be noticed by an atheist, who has eyes, ears, and the brain yet, neither see nor understand him.